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No, Gaza Was Not Flooded By Israel Opening “The Dams”

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No, Gaza Was Not Flooded By Israel Opening “The Dams” Empty No, Gaza Was Not Flooded By Israel Opening “The Dams”

Post by Guest Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:10 pm

Israel does not have any large dams around the Gaza Strip, but the almost annual flooding that happens in the Gaza Strip is emblematic of a much larger problem, say Palestinian officials.

The story began circulating over the weekend, and by Monday several large media outlets, including Agence France-Presse and the Daily Mail, had published stories alleging that Israel had opened a series of dams, leading to flooding across the central Gaza Strip.

The only problem was that there are no dams around the Gaza Strip.

“There are no dams in the southern Israel. This is a false story that circulates every winter. There are flash floods across southern Israel, but there are simply no dams in southern Israel,” said Hadar Horn, a spokesperson for Israel’s coordination office for the Palestinian territories. “This is a lie.”

In Gaza, the story of the dams has long been circulated as an explanation for why the central Gaza Strip floods during the winter. One Palestinian official, who spoke to BuzzFeed on condition of anonymity, said the rumor could be traced back more than a decade.

“It is easy to say it is dams, easier than saying that the problem is infrastructure — not having infrastructure, having bad infrastructure, having what little infrastructure Gaza destroyed each time there is way — that is the truth,” said the official, who spoke by phone from Gaza. He asked to remain anonymous as his statements did not coincide with those made by Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. “If we could rebuild Gaza, we could build a system that dealt with these horrible floods. But Gaza is in ruins, there is nowhere for the water to go, and each year it will be the same unless someone helps us.”

At least 80 Palestinian families were evacuated this week after water levels in the Gaza Valley (Wadi Gaza) rose to almost three meters. The original AFP story quoted Gaza’s Ministry of Interior which claimed, “By [Israel] opening the channels they flooded many homes… We had to evacuate as quickly as possible.”

The focus of the story then became the inaccuracy regarding Israel’s dams, rather than the annual flooding.


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