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And You think its NOT comming.......

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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:40 pm

OH the complacency of the liberalists


The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees.

The ISIS smuggler, who is in his 30s with a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success.

"Just wait," he smiled.

It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world and we will have it soon, God willing

ISIS operative

The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries.

Islamic State, also referred to as IS and ISIS, is believed to be actively smuggling deadly gunmen across the sparsely-guarded 565-mile Turkish border and on to richer European nations, he revealed.

There are now more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen "ready" across the European Union, he claimed.

The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes.

"If someone attacks me," he said "then for sure I will attack them back."

Islamic State extremists are taking advantage of developed nation's generosity towards refugees to infiltrate Europe, he said.

The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe.

More than 1.5million refugees have fled into Turkey alone – desperate to escape the bloodshed in Syria.

From Turkish port cities like Izmir and Mersin, thousands of refugees venture across the Mediterranean aiming for Italy, he said.

Then the majority make for more welcoming nations like Sweden and Germany, turning themselves over to authorities and appealing for asylum.

"They are going like refugees," he said.

Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the claims made by the ISIS Syrian operative.

One admitted to helping more than ten trained ISIS rebels infiltrate Europe under the guise of asylum seekers.

He said: "I’m sending some fighters who want to go and visit their families.

The Syrian operative, a former member of his nation's security forces, said ISIS had ambitious plans ahead.

"It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world," he said "and we will have it soon, God willing."

The operative agreed to a meeting at the urging of a former Free Syrian Army gunman who fought alongside him in the war.

The Syrian said he had been granted permission to attend the meeting by his superior in ISIS — a radical referred to by members of the group as an "emir."

"There are some things I’m allowed to tell you and some things I’m not," he said.

During the meeting, the operative said he believed future attacks would only target Western governments – not civilians.

Although details of terror plot are something over which he has little control, he claims.

The revelation comes just days after a spokesperson for Islamic State called on Muslims in the West to carry out terror attacks.

"Others just go to Europe to be ready."

The jihadist told Western followers if they had the opportunity to "shed a drop of blood" in Western countries – then they should do so.

Spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani also praised the recent terror attacks in Australia, Belgium and France.

"We repeat our call to Muslims in Europe, the infidel West, and everywhere to target the Crusaders in their home countries and wherever they find them," he said.

"We will be enemies, in front of God, to any Muslim who can shed a drop of blood of a Crusader and abstains from doing that with a bomb, bullet, knife, car, rock or even a kick or a punch."

A Turkish foreign ministry official said authorities were actively working to clamp down on refugee-smuggling.

He pointed out that since Europe accepts few refugees through legal channels, the demand for smuggling has increased.

"Illegal migration has been an important issue and Turkey is effectively fighting against it," the official, who declined to be named, confirmed.

"Of course the most effective way to put an end to all these problems would be immediate action by the international community to solve the Syrian conflict."

When asked about the smuggling of Islamic State operatives in boats of innocent refugees, the anonymous official said his government was unaware of the plot.

"We do not have that particular intelligence," he said.

"Turkey has been taking very tight measures against [ISIS] with all the capabilities the government has."

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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:42 pm

perhaps Enoch was right

Here is a decent, ordinary fellow-Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history. ”
Powell went on to say:

“ We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen.
For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country. They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. On top of this, they now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by Act of Parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances, is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent provocative the power to pillory them for their private actions.
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood". That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century. Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal

And betrayed we have been.......


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:12 pm

So let me get this straight Victor.
Your bases to shit your pants, is based off one person making a claim?
Is this the bases for your argument?
So even if this was true, what do you want to do? Intern over 15 million Muslims in Europe based off now a claim to 4000?
Behave mate, this is a scare story and you know it which plays into the hands of the terrorists, that you fall for it.
They want you to spread fear and you oblige them.
Remarkable this 4000 has done near next to nothing when they have no fear of death. Where is the mass bloodshed mate?

Laters mate


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:22 pm

I said ...comming....not has happened....

oh and its more that 1 person ...go re read....

I'd say that 4000 trained murderers are something of a concern ...or not?? how many will it take to "slightly alarm" you ...10,000? 100,000?

I dont know what should be done.....But I have a grisley Idea of what WILL happen if those 4000 start ............


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:27 pm

as I said...Oh the sins of the complacent....

I DO HOPE....if the shit SHOULD hit the fan that the complacent will be used as "our human shields" after all its what they would want ...isnt it? or will we find that they all emigrate.......


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:32 pm

Sometimes you are as bad as smelly and even worse want such wrongs to happen mate. If your reasoning is to be right, then there is nothing right about wanting to that. If your reason is based on a warning I could understand, but that is never it.
You want people to be divided, which makes no logical sense or allow which happened in the west for secularism to to win hearts and minds in the East.


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:40 pm

where do I claim to "want" this to happen.....I view it as inevitable...given what we know of these people.....

the only thing I that IF note IF (NOT i WANT it to) it does happen......the complacent morons that allowed it and encouraged it by inaction and a vague and sentimental hope of winning "hearts and minds" (in other words appealing to the better nature of a beast that doesnt have one) are the first to suffer......but of course they wont as I said the cowards will be "absent".......

you see cant twist things about like that any more...I'm wise to your liberalist propaganda tactics....
christ I thought you might have learned after a dose of your own.....
read what I posted and read no more into it than what is said....if I mean more WILL know


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:53 pm

You sound like a chicken shit at the moment running scared from some religious idiots as if we should fear them all, like the Spanish inquisition Victor. Nobody encouraged anything and many factors play a part why we have the situation we have today, you are just thinking two dimensional mate. There is no Liberalism propaganda, you are just being a complete paranoid idiot and a chicken shit mate, which is what they want you to be. They have succeeded in making you fear with terror.
Some of us though will not now down to terror


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:01 pm

you are babbling and repeating yourself didge...always a bad sign......

and erm...who is talking about running???? PROVE the liberalist agenda......with nonsense like that.... every word you have typed so far is liberalist propaganda you simply cannot bear to be doubt you would love it if all dissent like mine was punishable by life in the gulags....

and yes...many have encouraged all sorts of contributary factors...

even your darling maggie....and labour..

not one of em with an iota of common sense, merely one eye on personal profit....


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:11 pm

darknessss wrote:you are babbling and repeating yourself didge...always a bad sign......
and erm...who is talking about running???? PROVE the liberalist agenda......with nonsense like that.... every word you have typed so far is liberalist propaganda you simply  cannot bear to be doubt you would love it if all dissent like mine was punishable by life in the gulags....
and yes...many have encouraged all sorts of contributary actors...
even your darling maggie....and labour..
not one of em with an iota of common sense, merely one eye on personal profit....

Oh do not make me laugh you modern day National socialist. You shit your pants over some religious zealots, to the point you want to control people, even though you claim to be a great advocate of freedom of speech. You claim there are no moral absolutes and yet you argue as if there is, based on your moral stand points. You make yourself really look an inept dick mate
I would rather be a liberal than a shit scared bunny rabbit as yourself, because at least I can reason, where you wish to fall prey to fear. The funniest factor here is now you would love to have someone like maggie in power and more than anything you wish this to be true


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:24 pm

Brasidas wrote:
darknessss wrote:you are babbling and repeating yourself didge...always a bad sign......
and erm...who is talking about running???? PROVE the liberalist agenda......with nonsense like that.... every word you have typed so far is liberalist propaganda you simply  cannot bear to be doubt you would love it if all dissent like mine was punishable by life in the gulags....
and yes...many have encouraged all sorts of contributary actors...
even your darling maggie....and labour..
not one of em with an iota of common sense, merely one eye on personal profit....

Oh do not make me laugh you modern day National socialist. You shit your pants over some religious zealots, to the point you want to control people, even though you claim to be a great advocate of freedom of speech. You claim there are no moral absolutes and yet you argue as if there is, based on your moral stand points. You make yourself really look an inept dick mate
I would rather be a liberal than a shit scared bunny rabbit as yourself, because at least I can reason, where you wish to fall prey to fear. The funniest factor here is now you would love to have someone like maggie in power and more than anything you wish this to be true

have someone like maggie in power FFS??? what ? where? when? ...did I say THAT????

moral absolutes...where does THAT come into it?

shit my pants over some religious zealots...I think not....but I AM more than a little concerned about the reaction that will ....sooner or later...happen if these idiots start something.....
and ...bizzarely enough dear didgelet.....its YOU I am concerned for...(well ...your kind of political animal...i doubt you are significant enough to need to worry) who might well find themselves "against the wall "and not a voice to speak for them in the aftermath of it all.....

oh and are you saying we are NOT "controlled" NOW??? pffffft....


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And You think its NOT comming....... Empty Re: And You think its NOT comming.......

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:27 pm

You play on fear, that is what the communists did, the Nazis did as well as other totalitarian regimes Victor, and you do the same. Your views are based on moral absolutes, because they are based on what you view as right. Otherwise you would place the view your views might be wrong, This is why the well being and equality of people is a science which you fail to see and why your views are wrong here.
I am not controlled but you certainly are by fear


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