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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:22 pm

Apparently a 3 year deliberately took a paracetamol overdose in an episode of self harm.

Is this even possible?

I mean I can get that a 3 year old can deliberately take paracetamol, get that a 3 year old may take an over dose of paracetamol. I get a 3 year old can feel overwhelming negativity against themselves. I get that a 3 year old may be destructive against themselves.

However all those at once - taking an overdose of paracetamol deliberately with intention to cause harm to themselves?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:24 pm

Can a 3 year old recognise something is harmful?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:25 pm

Do you mean recognize in that they have been told or recognize as in understanding what harm is?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:28 pm

sphinx wrote:Do you mean recognize in that they have been told or recognize as in understanding what harm is?

If a child can understand something is harmful and then takes it, then it would be self harm.
So if they have been told it is dangerous and take this, then it would be self harm, also I guess there is more to this than the points only given onto the story


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:29 pm

I mean to self harm with paracetamol rather than attempt to kill yourself with them is a rather fine line and not even all adults are aware of it. I have known of someone who took an overdose in what they openly admitted was a self harming cry for help and they did not intend to actually die - which is what they did in a great deal of pain a couple of days later due to the fact that they had destroyed their liver. They thought as do quite a few people that they would swallow all the tablets go to sleep and never wake up - well they woke up the next morning and decided they better tell the doctor what they had done by which time their only chance was a transplant and that did not turn up.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:33 pm

sphinx wrote:I mean to self harm with paracetamol rather than attempt to kill yourself with them is a rather fine line and not even all adults are aware of it. I have known of someone who took an overdose in what they openly admitted was a self harming cry for help and they did not intend to actually die - which is what they did in a great deal of pain a couple of days later due to the fact that they had destroyed their liver.  They thought as do quite a few people that they would swallow all the tablets go to sleep and never wake up - well they woke up the next morning and decided they better tell the doctor what they had done by which time their only chance was a transplant and that did not turn up.

But sphinx you are gauging this on your own feelings not knowing any details of the actual case, where there maybe far more to this, where clearly it has been deemed self harm for a reason. Self harm does not always mean trying to kill yourself either. The child could be well aware it is not good for him and harm him, but not be aware it could kill him.

Last edited by Didge on Mon May 26, 2014 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:34 pm

Didge wrote:
sphinx wrote:Do you mean recognize in that they have been told or recognize as in understanding what harm is?

If a child can understand something is harmful and then takes it, then it would be self harm.
So if they have been told it is dangerous and take this, then it would be self harm, also I guess there is more to this than the points only given onto the story

I am not convinced 3 year olds do understand harmful. They understand pain, they understand an adult not wanting them to do something by telling them it will bring pain but "harm" is a more difficult concept.

Or to look at it another way how many parents tell their children that they cannot eat the whole chocolate cake because it is bad for them, it will harm them (which it very well may do in the long term) - if such a child manages to sneak into a position where they can eat the whole chocolate cake would you say they are deliberately self harming?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:34 pm

sphinx wrote:
Didge wrote:

If a child can understand something is harmful and then takes it, then it would be self harm.
So if they have been told it is dangerous and take this, then it would be self harm, also I guess there is more to this than the points only given onto the story

I am not convinced 3 year olds do understand harmful.  They understand pain, they understand an adult not wanting them to do something by telling them it will bring pain but "harm" is a more difficult concept.

Or to look at it another way how many parents tell their children that they cannot eat the whole chocolate cake because it is bad for them, it will harm them (which it very well may do in the long term) - if such a child manages to sneak into a position where they can eat the whole chocolate cake would you say they are deliberately self harming?

Without the full details you are not in a position to make such a call, again it is off only your own instincts


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:38 pm

Didge wrote:
sphinx wrote:I mean to self harm with paracetamol rather than attempt to kill yourself with them is a rather fine line and not even all adults are aware of it. I have known of someone who took an overdose in what they openly admitted was a self harming cry for help and they did not intend to actually die - which is what they did in a great deal of pain a couple of days later due to the fact that they had destroyed their liver.  They thought as do quite a few people that they would swallow all the tablets go to sleep and never wake up - well they woke up the next morning and decided they better tell the doctor what they had done by which time their only chance was a transplant and that did not turn up.

But sphinx you are gauging this on your own feelings not knowing any details of the actual case, where there maybe far more to this, where clearly it has been deemed self harm for a reason. Self harm does not always mean trying to kill yourself either. The child could be well aware it is not good for him and harm him, but not be aware it could kill him.

No I am trying to discuss whether a three year old has the mental development to understand the concept of self harm - which almost always means not trying to kill yourself - the whole point of self harm is to cause damage but still live - a person slicing their arm is not trying to kill themselves - they are trying to hurt themselves in a way which will heal.

Will a three year old know the difference between paracetamol being not good for them and being harmful and not brushing their teeth being not good for them and being harmful.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:41 pm

Didge wrote:
sphinx wrote:

I am not convinced 3 year olds do understand harmful.  They understand pain, they understand an adult not wanting them to do something by telling them it will bring pain but "harm" is a more difficult concept.

Or to look at it another way how many parents tell their children that they cannot eat the whole chocolate cake because it is bad for them, it will harm them (which it very well may do in the long term) - if such a child manages to sneak into a position where they can eat the whole chocolate cake would you say they are deliberately self harming?

Without the full details you are not in a position to make such a call, again it is off only your own instincts

Uh I am talking about what professionals are educated about the mental development at three and what concepts will be understandable at that age and which will not.

If the story had been that a three year had been made to feel they were so bad they deserved horrible punishments and had taken the tablets as self punishment I would understand it. However self harm is not the same as self punishment - although an individual may be seeking both.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:42 pm

sphinx wrote:
Didge wrote:

But sphinx you are gauging this on your own feelings not knowing any details of the actual case, where there maybe far more to this, where clearly it has been deemed self harm for a reason. Self harm does not always mean trying to kill yourself either. The child could be well aware it is not good for him and harm him, but not be aware it could kill him.

No I am trying to discuss whether a three year old has the mental development to understand the concept of self harm - which almost always means not trying to kill yourself - the whole point of self harm is to cause damage but still live - a person slicing their arm is not trying to kill themselves - they are trying to hurt themselves in a way which will heal.

Will a three year old know the difference between paracetamol being not good for them and being harmful and not brushing their teeth being not good for them and being harmful.

Of course a child could develop such a state of mind at that age, why do you think they cannot?
The child may not even need to understand it fully to have committed self harm and I do understand what self harm means but people end up dying doing so, so please spare me your lectures on this thanks.
Again you have no details of the case, making another sphinx home made diagnosis to something that you cannot know or even understand about


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:46 pm

So can you please present me with the academic texts providing the theory and evidence behind the ability to understand this concept at such a young age.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:46 pm

sphinx wrote:So can you please present me with the academic texts providing the theory and evidence behind the ability to understand this concept at such a young age.

can you provide me with your qualifications on psychology?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:49 pm

Why do qualifications have some relevance to my ability to understand academic texts?

Or do you think only people who already have qualifications should be allowed to have opinions on learned subjects?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 1:52 pm

sphinx wrote:Why do qualifications have some relevance to my ability to understand academic texts?

Or do you think only people who already have qualifications should be allowed to have opinions on learned subjects?

Plenty, as seen already you have concepts that do not fit any known knowledge of psychology they are based upon your own instincts and nothing taught, hence why I know people like yourself are the worst for thinking you know better than doctors, who use the web to self diagnose themselves


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:07 pm

sphinx wrote:So can you please present me with the academic texts providing the theory and evidence behind the ability to understand this concept at such a young age.

Emerging, controversial research suggests children as young as 3 years of age can meet the clinical criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD).

And researchers are discovering that depressed children demonstrate brain activation patterns very similar to those seen in adults diagnosed with the disorder.

Child psychiatrist Dr. Joan Luby, director of the early emotional development program at Washington University in St. Louis, has been studying preschool depression for almost two decades. Her clinical experience, she said, contradicts the view of many developmental psychologists that young children do not have the emotional or cognitive competence to experience depression.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:09 pm

Try ethics then and development of morals as theory then.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:10 pm

Didge wrote:
sphinx wrote:So can you please present me with the academic texts providing the theory and evidence behind the ability to understand this concept at such a young age.

Emerging, controversial research suggests children as young as 3 years of age can meet the clinical criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD).

And researchers are discovering that depressed children demonstrate brain activation patterns very similar to those seen in adults diagnosed with the disorder.

Child psychiatrist Dr. Joan Luby, director of the early emotional development program at Washington University in St. Louis, has been studying preschool depression for almost two decades. Her clinical experience, she said, contradicts the view of many developmental psychologists that young children do not have the emotional or cognitive competence to experience depression.

So are you now claiming self harm is directly related to depression? Or that depression in all forms is unacceptable?


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:13 pm

sphinx wrote:Try ethics then and development of morals as theory then.

If a child can suffer from depression then it stands to possible reason they can also self harm, which could come about because some children self harm due to medical pains they suffer, for example some suffer inner ear pains, this maybe a mistaken case where the child as does often happen hit their heads to think it dulls the pain, this could be where the child is aware the pain killers help and has taken many to combat the pain. Self harm is not just as you think it is to be and clearly you have much more to learn on the subject. Again without details it will be very difficult to understand the reasons, but nothing you offer is in worth reading to be honest when you have little understanding on the topic


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:14 pm

sphinx wrote:
Didge wrote:

Emerging, controversial research suggests children as young as 3 years of age can meet the clinical criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD).

And researchers are discovering that depressed children demonstrate brain activation patterns very similar to those seen in adults diagnosed with the disorder.

Child psychiatrist Dr. Joan Luby, director of the early emotional development program at Washington University in St. Louis, has been studying preschool depression for almost two decades. Her clinical experience, she said, contradicts the view of many developmental psychologists that young children do not have the emotional or cognitive competence to experience depression.

So are you now claiming self harm is directly related to depression?  Or that depression in all forms is unacceptable?

So you are saying there is no link now with self harm and depression, fuck me, not even worth debating with someone so clueless on the subject and I never claimed depression was unacceptable, poor attempt to claim something I never stated, how pathetic.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:27 pm

Pretty much what I think when trying to deal with people that think the 2 are linked.

I know real life does not count but I have known too many people with depression who do not self harm and people who self harm who are not depressed to give them any more of a link than I do to roast chicken dinners and icecream puddings.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:33 pm

sphinx wrote:Pretty much what I think when trying to deal with people that think the 2 are linked.

I know real life does not count but I have known too many people with depression who do not self harm and people who self harm who are not depressed to give them any more of a link than I do to roast chicken dinners and icecream puddings.

Just because some people do not commit self harm who are depressed does not mean there is not a link between people who self harm who are depressed. That is moot argument if I ever heard one and if people who self harm and are not depressed, there are many reason behind self harm, but one link is depression. Again you have little understanding other than your own biased perception of what you read on the web, that does not mean you are in anyway qualified as stated o make any such distinction, when you have never even studied an cases.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:39 pm

Isnt it you who normally squawks about people making the mistake of fallacy of association?

Just because it is believe in some cases one of the links for self harm is depression does not make it automatically follow on that research specifically related to depression is relevant to self harm.

Now try going back to development of moral thinking in the child.


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Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm? Empty Re: Can a 3 year old deliberately self harm?

Post by Guest Mon May 26, 2014 2:44 pm

sphinx wrote:Isnt it you who normally squawks about people making the mistake of fallacy of association?

Just because it is believe in some cases one of the links for self harm is depression does not make it automatically follow on that research specifically related to depression is relevant to self harm.

Now try going back to development of moral thinking in the child.

Yes but I am not making association fallacies am I and I never stated where a person has depression and self harms the reason is there depression, only that there is a link between self harm and depression, hence why you are utterly clueless on the subject. A link does not mean all does it?
Do you know all the different types of reasoning behind why some people commit self harm, I know of 9 main reasons, lets see if you can name them.

Moral thinking, utter balderdash it may have no utter relevance based upon the fact you thus do not know the many reasons for self harm, try again


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