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Michael Abberton's Anti-Ukip Tweet Earned Him A Police Visit, Even Though Cops Admit 'It's Not Illegal'

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Michael Abberton's Anti-Ukip Tweet Earned Him A Police Visit, Even Though Cops Admit 'It's Not Illegal' Empty Michael Abberton's Anti-Ukip Tweet Earned Him A Police Visit, Even Though Cops Admit 'It's Not Illegal'

Post by Guest Tue May 13, 2014 8:06 am

A blogger who tweeted a "fact-check" of 10 Ukip election promises might have thought his somewhat innocuous tweet might earn him a few retweets at best. Instead, it earned Michael Abberton a visit from the police.
The Huffington Post UK has learnt that the complaint was made by Cllr Peter Reeve, Ukip's local Government spokesman and national nominating officer.
Abberton was told by two Cambridgeshire police officers that they were sure he had not broken the law, but asked him to delete the tweet in any event, admitting they could not force him to do so.
The tweet in question was tongue-in-cheek poster of 10 Great Reasons To Vote Ukip, such as scrapping maternity leave and paid holiday. Abberton claims he did not even make the poster himself - merely added links to the party's own material that backed up the poster's claims.

This really made me chuckle, imagine if that actually got into power for arguments sake, I imagine they would ban critical views of he party and made a crime.

Hmmmm now where have a I read that before 


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