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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:15 am

Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims
Ukip leader denies wrongdoing as he faces questions over £15,500 in expenses claimed annually for office costs

Ukip leader Nigel Farage is facing questions over the £15,500 in expenses he claims annually for office costs after it emerged he pays no rent on the small Bognor Regis property where he works.

A former manager of the West Sussex office told the Times that upkeep of the converted grain store in terms of bills and other non-rental costs only amounts to £3,000 a year. That leaves £12,000 a year apparently unaccounted for.

Ukip said Farage, a European parliament member, was "confident he has abided by European parliamentary rules at all times when spending allowances."

Farage said: "I don't pay rent on the office but I obviously pay for everything else. Whether it's the burglar alarm or electricity."

He added: "About £1,000 a month is roughly what it is. Exceptionally I put more money in as and when it's needed."

However, the Times reported he has been referred to the European expenses watchdog by a former Ukip official over how he has spent about £60,000 of office expenses since transparency declarations about expenses began in 2009.

MEPs are not required to provide receipts proving how they spend their expenses, with the EU saying it is a "matter of honour" that the money is spent correctly.

The allegations emerged with Ukip riding high in the polls at around 20% as the Conservatives appeared to have taken a hit over former culture secretary Maria Miller's wrongly-claimed expenses.

Last week, Farage said Miller had "taken the mickey out of the system" and called for David Cameron to allow the public to sack MPs who perpetrated serious wrongdoing.

Challenged about Ukip's own expenses scandals among MEPs, he said: "In the cases of the two individuals who behaved badly, I removed the whip and kicked them out of the party a long time before they were found guilty of anything."



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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:14 pm

I heard him being interviewed about this on Sky. The allegations seem to have come from a woman who's recently been sentenced for draud and perverting the course of justice or something...

Still I'm sure all the details will come out in the open and prove to be yet more desperate attempts to smear UKIP. They really must be getting the Tories worried.


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:17 pm

Tesstacious wrote:I heard him being interviewed about this on Sky.  The allegations seem to have come from a woman who's recently been sentenced for draud and perverting the course of justice or something...

Still I'm sure all the details will come out in the open and prove to be yet more desperate attempts to smear UKIP.  They really must be getting the Tories worried.

these tactics will be all we will see up to the election they are all running scared..


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:20 pm

Tesstacious wrote:I heard him being interviewed about this on Sky.  The allegations seem to have come from a woman who's recently been sentenced for draud and perverting the course of justice or something...

Still I'm sure all the details will come out in the open and prove to be yet more desperate attempts to smear UKIP.  They really must be getting the Tories worried.

Interesting Tess, Farge is innocent yet 25 Muslims schools are investigated and your money is on them being guilty, because they are Muslims, strange how the perceptions change dependent on who the dagger is being drawn towards.

I doubt he is guilty, but he is going to get way more flak come his way because his party again are now in the ascendancy, where all the main Politicians get this. People may like that he is up front and frank, but the minute you perceive and expect a person to be that way, the minute you find some dirt showing any dishonesty would create an even bigger fall for Nigel. Most people do not trust many Politicians, but with Nigel he has built up a reputation, so if he has, he will to me have spelt the death of any chance of UKIP winning a seat, let alone doing well in the general election


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:23 pm

Didge wrote:
Tesstacious wrote:I heard him being interviewed about this on Sky.  The allegations seem to have come from a woman who's recently been sentenced for draud and perverting the course of justice or something...

Still I'm sure all the details will come out in the open and prove to be yet more desperate attempts to smear UKIP.  They really must be getting the Tories worried.

Interesting Tess, Farge is innocent yet 25 Muslims schools are investigated and your money is on them being guilty, because they are Muslims, strange how the perceptions change dependent on who the dagger is being drawn towards.

I doubt he is guilty, but he is going to get way more flak come his way because his party again are now in the ascendancy, where all the main Politicians get this. People may like that he is up front and frank, but the minute you perceive and expect a person to be that way, the minute you find some dirt showing any dishonesty would create an even bigger fall for Nigel. Most people do not trust many Politicians, but with Nigel he has built up a reputation, so if he has, he will to me have spelt the death of any chance of UKIP winning a seat, let alone doing well in the general election  

The truthtwister strikes again! I'm putting my balance of probabilities on the word of one convicted fraudster against the complaints of over 200 students and teachers...


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:28 pm

Tesstacious wrote:
Didge wrote:

Interesting Tess, Farge is innocent yet 25 Muslims schools are investigated and your money is on them being guilty, because they are Muslims, strange how the perceptions change dependent on who the dagger is being drawn towards.

I doubt he is guilty, but he is going to get way more flak come his way because his party again are now in the ascendancy, where all the main Politicians get this. People may like that he is up front and frank, but the minute you perceive and expect a person to be that way, the minute you find some dirt showing any dishonesty would create an even bigger fall for Nigel. Most people do not trust many Politicians, but with Nigel he has built up a reputation, so if he has, he will to me have spelt the death of any chance of UKIP winning a seat, let alone doing well in the general election  

The truthtwister strikes again!  I'm putting my balance of probabilities on the word of one convicted fraudster against the complaints of over 200 students and teachers...

PMSL, you miss the point Tess as per usual, you are quick to conclude guilt based off some hearsay stories, this is another hearsay story and again I am not saying he is guilty or not guilty and explain more than likely he is not, but you convince yourself based on hearsay and not facts, the point you always miss.

Again it is funny as I pointed out on another thread, some papers go after Muslims, some after the Tories, Labour etc, immigrants, some now UKIP with all using the guilt by association, of which you are as guilty as charged with Tess, because you are the first to post any story on Muslims are you not?
Showing how you already have a poor perception of Muslims in general, as happy to post them all up to prove this?


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:10 pm

Sassy wrote:Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims
Ukip leader denies wrongdoing as he faces questions over £15,500 in expenses claimed annually for office costs

Ukip leader Nigel Farage is facing questions over the £15,500 in expenses he claims annually for office costs after it emerged he pays no rent on the small Bognor Regis property where he works.

A former manager of the West Sussex office told the Times that upkeep of the converted grain store in terms of bills and other non-rental costs only amounts to £3,000 a year. That leaves £12,000 a year apparently unaccounted for.

Ukip said Farage, a European parliament member, was "confident he has abided by European parliamentary rules at all times when spending allowances."

Farage said: "I don't pay rent on the office but I obviously pay for everything else. Whether it's the burglar alarm or electricity."

He added: "About £1,000 a month is roughly what it is. Exceptionally I put more money in as and when it's needed."

However, the Times reported he has been referred to the European expenses watchdog by a former Ukip official over how he has spent about £60,000 of office expenses since transparency declarations about expenses began in 2009.

MEPs are not required to provide receipts proving how they spend their expenses, with the EU saying it is a "matter of honour" that the money is spent correctly.

The allegations emerged with Ukip riding high in the polls at around 20% as the Conservatives appeared to have taken a hit over former culture secretary Maria Miller's wrongly-claimed expenses.

Last week, Farage said Miller had "taken the mickey out of the system" and called for David Cameron to allow the public to sack MPs who perpetrated serious wrongdoing.

Challenged about Ukip's own expenses scandals among MEPs, he said: "In the cases of the two individuals who behaved badly, I removed the whip and kicked them out of the party a long time before they were found guilty of anything."


Oooops indeed - for the journalists not checking their sources properly


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:15 pm

Actually this is very funny war of words now:

Ukip has not taken kindly to today's story in The Times that raises questions about how Nigel Farage has spent his European Parliament allowances.
Farage has hit out at the story on the front page of "establishment newspaper" for being "politically motivated". The party has also drawn up a hit list of Times journalists that it claims are writing negative stories about Ukip in order to help David Cameron and the Conservative Party. As one Ukip press officer decided to delicately put it: "T.I.M.E.S.= Tories Inventing More Erroneous Shite."

In a statement posted to its website today, Ukip said: "Who are the Times journalists behind the constant attacks on Nigel Farage and Ukip? Perhaps it will not surprise you to know that most have family or personal connections to the Conservative Party and that the majority are from immensely privileged backgrounds that have enabled them to prosper as part of the 'chumocracy' run by David Cameron."
The personal attack on the backgrounds and personal relationships of the paper's reporters is part of Ukip's strategy to present itself as separate from the Westminster establishment ahead of May's European elections.
Some of the writers 'named and shamed' by Ukip for having gone to private school (just as Farage did) were more than happy to contribute to their entries on the list of party enemies.

The list includes executive editor Daniel Finkelstein (who is a Conservative peer), columnist Matthew Parris and outgoing comment editor Tim Montgomerie.

Welcome to the real world UKIP


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:19 pm

Well one thing is now certain. Farage is seen as a threat.


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:20 pm

Nems wrote:Well one thing is now certain. Farage is seen as a threat.

A threat to losing key votes, yes, not a threat to winning Nems


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Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims Empty Re: Farage under fire over MEP expenses claims

Post by Guest Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:02 am

Didge wrote:
Nems wrote:Well one thing is now certain. Farage is seen as a threat.

A threat to losing key votes, yes, not a threat to winning Nems

Doesnt have to win a thing just split the right vote


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