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Trump's socialist brand

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Trump's socialist brand Empty Trump's socialist brand

Post by Original Quill Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:27 pm

Proof that Trump’s economy is not working, household debt has now reached $1.5-trillion, more than the pre-recession debt of 2008.  This means that middle- and low-income families are now borrowing to subsist at the same level that they did under the Obama economy.

While Trump touts’ favorable economic numbers, note that he only points to upper-income indicia, like the stock market or corporate tax cuts that only go to the rich.  If middle- and low-income families are borrowing money to get by, they are not participating in these schemes.

Unemployment is down, but only because lower paying jobs are coming available.  Switching out higher paying jobs for, say, two jobs at half the wage, amounts to a wealth shifting maneuver—another way the top 1% ends up owning 99% of the wealth—even while increasing the productivity and wealth for the rich.

Amid this bad news, Trump still tries to shore up his direct hit to the Midwest farmers, by a $30-billion corporate welfare bailout—essentially paying farmers not to plant, reducing further the productivity of America.  Corporate socialism has become Trump’s brand.

Original Quill
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Trump's socialist brand Empty Re: Trump's socialist brand

Post by 'Wolfie Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:19 am

Trump's socialist brand 1399249160

Also amongst the Trump camps' trickery :

Their ongoing claims that employment is up, and that "average" wages & salaries are up..

Where they only consider the overall national figures for "employment" without looking at the type of job, or at the different business sectors;   and for wages & salaries they actually look at all income --  including CEO salaries and dividends in there to lift "averages", while ignoring the unpaid and lowly paid work that drags real world 'median' incomes down well below their fabricated "averages"..

Most increases in employment in the USA over the last couple of years have been in minimum wage jobs, part-time work, and "zero hours" contracts --  while at the same time there has been either no growth, and sometimes even losses, in the more critical 'skilled' and semi-skilled jobs, and in fulltime permanent jobs (i.e. those household incomes that are essential to maintaining a stable domestic economy over the long term..).

With many of those feted "bringing jobs back to Ahmerika" policy exercises, the companies involved have simply used the Trump tariff and tax breaks to open warehouses in the USA --  maintaining overseas production while using minimum wage labour to final-assemble and package those "product of the USA" items --  effectively replacing skilled workforces with fewer minimum wage labourers..

And the CEO and directors' increased payouts soak up any "productivity savings", as well...  

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