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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:06 am

21st February 2014

I notice it was the evil organisation LIBERTY who used to promote paedophilia.

A leading child abuse charity yesterday demanded that three senior Labour figures apologise for their ‘inexcusable’ support of a vile paedophile group.

Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, her husband, home affairs spokesman Jack Dromey and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt were key figures in the National Council for Civil Liberties when it forged extraordinary links with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange.

The trio refuse to comment on the NCCL’s activities or apologise for the organisation’s support for PIE, which openly campaigned to legalise child sex.

Commenting on this paper’s investigation into the Labour trio’s links with PIE, media expert Roy Greenslade, a former editor of the Daily Mirror, said yesterday: ‘I’m with the Mail on this.

'On the basis of the paper’s evidence, I think Harman, Dromey and Hewitt do need to address this matter seriously.’

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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:13 am

Yea, already two threads about this.

So lets lump the info on all three together, because, even though they published previously, the DM are doing their very best to focus on a small bit, and THE WHOLE THING should be exposed:

Did previous Tory and Labour governments fund the infamous Paedophile Information Exchange?

That's the remarkable claim made to me by a former Home Office insider this week.

PIE was established in 1974 to campaign for the age of consent to be lowered to four years old.

Many former members have been imprisoned for child abuse crimes.

People long dead like Peter Righton, who fooled the social work establishment that he cared for the safety of children, when all the time he was grooming kids for his own despicable ends.

PIE included many establishment figures like the highly qualified Dr Morris Fraser, who by day practiced as a child psychiatrist in Belfast but by night, was accused of preying on young vulnerable children.

The retired insider told me that he recalled raising his concern that the Volunteer Services Unit of the Home Office was directly funding the work of PIE.

His recollection was that he raised his fears with superiors but was left in no doubt that he should drop the matter.

I’ve written to the Home Secretary asking her to initiate an inquiry.

It’s not the first time Theresa has had to investigate her own department.

MPs have tried to expose wrongdoing by the PIE before.

Thirty years ago this month, Conservative MP Geoffrey Dickens submitted a dossier to then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan making allegations regarding child abuse.

Mr Dickens tried to close down PIE and expose wrongdoing.

Thankfully for us Mr Dickens was a brave man, a former heavyweight boxer, and not easily frightened. He stuck with his campaign and had the courage to speak out.

Shortly after his campaign began, PIE collapsed as an organisation but many members evaded justice.

Sadly, Geoffrey Dickens died before the leader of PIE and former Home Office employee Stephen Freeman, was finally jailed in 2011, for possession of thousands of indecent images of children.

I’ve asked the current Home Office to publish the Dickens dossiers but guess what? The files have gone missing, prompting Theresa May to hold an internal inquiry.

I want her to publish all the findings of the investigation, so that parliament can be assured that it was incompetence and not wrongdoing that lead to the loss of a senior minister’s files in most unusual circumstances.

I hope that 30 years after the former boxing MP submitted his dossier to the Home Office, we can get the answer to the knock out question he was asking: who protected the Paedophile Information Exchange?

Woman MP accused of abusing schoolboy at drug-fuelled Westminster sex parties

Andrew Ash claims he was forced to perform a sex act on the woman
Mr Ash, now 45, was in care and was taken to London for depraved parties
Claims events were organised by Jimmy Savile's ex-chauffeur David Smith
Says revellers at 1980s sex parties had access to cocaine and speed
Also alleges he was abused by a male MP in a garage behind a Rolls-Royce

A female former MP has been accused of abusing a schoolboy at a drug-fuelled Westminster sex party in the 1980s.

Her alleged victim has claimed he was forced to perform a sex act on the woman politician at one of a number of parties, where it is alleged that children as young as 13 were abused.

Andrew Ash, now 45, has claimed that as a teenager he was regularly taken to London from northern England, where he was in care, to attend the depraved parties.

Mr Ash told the Sunday Express newspaper that he has passed the name of the former MP, who can not be named for legal reasons, to the Metropolitan Police.

He has alleged that the depraved parties were organised by a paedophile ring involving David Smith, Jimmy Savile's former chauffeur who was found dead on the day he was due to stand trial for child sex crimes uncovered by Operation Yewtree.

Mr Ash said that a number of politicians and celebrities, including Savile, attended the parties, where drugs such as cocaine and speed would be supplied to revellers, as well as bottles of champagne.
Involved: Mr Ash alleged that the depraved parties were organised by a paedophile ring involving David Smith (pictured), Jimmy Savile's former chauffeur

Involved: Mr Ash alleged that the depraved parties were organised by a paedophile ring involving David Smith (pictured), Jimmy Savile's former chauffeur

He said that the woman MP had been drunk at the time of the assault, and had been laughing as she carried out the abuse.

'I didn’t really know what was going on but the others around her were goading her on', he told the Sunday Express, adding that he felt 'humilated'.

Last year police were believed to have seized video footage and photographs allegedly taken at a sex party from a well-known paedophile.

Mr Ash claimed that there is footage showing a senior male MP in the same frame as him, although no abuse can be seen taking place.

He said he had been interviewed for 70 hours by the Met Police’s Paedophile Unit, both at a safe house in Bridlington, East Yorkshire and in London, but said he is frustrated by a lack of action.

Mr Ash said he was molested by the male MP on another occasion, who abused him an a garage behind a Rolls-Royce.

'Another politician turned up with a video camera but the man abusing me just smirked and joked, "OK, OK, I’ll vote any way you want" as if he was being blackmailed. What I want to know is why they haven’t arrested him yet if they have this evidence,' he said.

Mr Ash said that as well as speaking to police officers during his interviews, he believes that intelligence officers, who had been made aware of the high-profile names he had accused, were also present.

Dutch officials also sat in on at least one interview as Mr Ash claimed to have been taken to Amsterdam several times to be abused by paedophiles including convicted child killer Sidney Cooke.

He says Cooke, now 84, made him film the abuse of another young boy.

Mr Ash also told police he was abused by a famous celebrity.

He said: 'This particular person was able to get youngsters into glitzy nightclubs in the West End. After one evening he invited me and a young girl back to his house where he made us have sex before joining in.'

A spokesman from the Met Police said the force would not be commenting on the allegations.

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So why did Leon Britten's papers go missing, who was the woman MP, and whats the WHOLE story. As the police are investigating it, let's hope EVERYTHING comes out.


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Dagenham Monologues Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:50 am

Why are you so anxious to deflect from the harm these people have done?

I take it you support their activities with PIE?

Dagenham Monologues
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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:58 am

Don't be so silly, I want THE LOT to be exposed, not just part of it. It's the DM that is doing the deflecting by focusing on one bit. Get it all out and prosecute anyone who should be prosecuted, who and whatever they are.


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:59 am

Ah, blame it on the Daily Mail.


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:07 am

Now you're being a plank. Blame it on ALL the people that did it, but recognise that the DM is using it for it's own purposes. Par for the course.


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:09 pm

The Labour three are the ones the Mail have documentary evidence on aren't they?


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:14 pm

The Daily Mail is the most widely read newspaper in the UK - there is no doubt about that.

That is why so many DM stories appear on British news forums.

And if the DM only reports on 3 particular people, that will show in the news item.

"We read the Daily Mail, get over it!"


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:16 pm

You're led by the nose and love it, get over it.

Now go and do some work you lazy bum!  Twisted Evil 


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Dagenham Monologues Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:54 pm

Sassy wrote:You're led by the nose and love it, get over it.

Now go and do some work you lazy bum!  Twisted Evil 

You never say that to catman. Double standards you haven't changed Sassy.
I remember you used to say you weren't a Labour supporter you obviously were but now you have stopped pretending I see.
As devious as ever. Twisted Evil

Didn't have you down for being an apologist for this type of person though. Clearly you'll defend Labour politicians even if they are dodgy.

Dagenham Monologues
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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Irn Bru Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:00 pm

56kevins wrote:
Sassy wrote:You're led by the nose and love it, get over it.

Now go and do some work you lazy bum!  Twisted Evil 

You never say that to catman. Double standards you haven't changed Sassy.
I remember you used to say you weren't a Labour supporter you obviously were but now you have stopped pretending I see.
As devious as ever. Twisted Evil

Didn't have you down for being an apologist for this type of person though. Clearly you'll defend Labour politicians even if they are dodgy.

I think you will find that no-one on here is an apologist for these people and have been saying all along that if these they have been actively supporting paedophiles then they should be forced ti resign or run out of office.

Do you think that Leon Brittan or the Conservative Party should apologise for the actions of these people in the link below and that those that were responsible should be rounded up and brought to book as well?

Paedo brothel advertised in Tory leaflet: Party's gay link to guest house

A Tory Party gay campaign group promoted the guest house at the centre of the VIP paedophile investigation.

The Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality “strongly recommended” visits to Elm Guest House in a newsletter to members, a Sunday People and Exaro investigation has revealed.

The three-page leaflet – obtained by the Exaro news website – said facilities included a sauna and video studio.

Scotland Yard has launched an investigation after allegations that VIPs including six senior Tories, businessmen and members of the royal household took part in child abuse at the guest house in upmarket Barnes, south-west London, in the 1980s.

Irn Bru
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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:29 pm

Amazing how you have had no comments about that!


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:42 pm

Harriet Harman rejects allegations of 1970s link to paedophile campaign
Labour deputy leader issues point-by-point rebuttal of Daily Mail's claims that she says are an attempt to smear her

Harriet Harman has attacked the Daily Mail for launching a "politically motivated smear campaign" against her and her husband, Jack Dromey, over claims they were linked to a paedophile campaign in the 1970s.

The Labour deputy leader condemned the "horrific allegations" and issued a point-by-point rebuttal on Monday, after the newspaper tried to link the couple and former Labour health secretary Patricia Hewitt to the now defunct Paedophile Information Exchange.

She said the newspaper was trying to make her "guilty by way of association", while Dromey said the allegations were "beneath contempt", especially as he had been at the "forefront of repeated public condemnations of the Paedophile Information Exchange and their despicable views".

Harman's forthright attack on the Daily Mail echoes Ed Miliband's decision to publicly address claims made by the newspaper about his family. The Labour leader clashed with the newspaper after a story last year branded his father, Ralph Miliband, who was a Marxist academic, as the "man who hated Britain".

The Labour deputy leader said in a statement: "This is not the first time the Daily Mail has made this horrible and untrue allegation.

"And, this is not the first time the Daily Mail has attacked me. The editor and proprietor of the Daily Mail are entitled to their political views and they are of course entitled to oppose what I stand for but they are not entitled to use their newspaper to smear me with innuendo because they disagree with me politically and hate my values."

In a series of articles, the Mail had accused Harman and Dromey of being apologists for child sex abuse, having a relaxed attitude to paedophilia and wanting to water down child pornography laws when they were officials at the National Council for Civil Liberties, to which the PIE had been affiliated in the 1970s.

After the Mail had called for the Labour leadership to speak out on the issue, Harman was strongly backed by Ed Miliband, who praised her "huge decency and integrity".

"I have known her for 20 years," he told Sky News. "I do not set any store by these allegations. I know she has a long and proud record of being on the right side of all of these issues."

The allegations date back to a time when Harman, Dromey and Hewitt worked at the NCCL, now renamed Liberty, in the late 1970s.

The NCCL granted affiliate status to the PIE, which was lobbying for paedophile rights, in 1975. PIE wanted the age of consent to be lowered to 10 in some cases. The Mail also accused Harman of signing an NCCL document suggesting ways to relax child pornography laws when she was legal officer for the group.

Harman said she supported the equalisation of the age of consent for gay and heterosexual sex, but never campaigned for the age of consent to be lowered to 10. She also rejected the idea that she opposed the law on incest, saying the 1976 document referred to by the Mail was written before she started to work at the organisation.

On the allegation that she was seeking to water down a proposed ban on child pornography, Harman said the document she signed makes it clear that the NCCL "deplores the exploitation of children whether in the form of use in commercial pornography or as victims of sexual assaults".

It simply argued for amendments to stop parents being criminalised for taking pictures of their children on the beach or in the bath, the use of pictures in sex education being criminalised and the use of the word "obscene" instead of "indecent" as that could be considered too broad a term, including page 3 of the Sun.

She said anyone could apply to join the NCCL on payment of a fee and the PIE was just one of nearly 1,000 affiliated organisations.

In a separate statement, Dromey said: "Sexual abuse of children is evil and I have always viewed paedophiles and any group associated with them as evil. During my time on the NCCL executive, I was at the forefront of repeated public condemnations of PIE and their despicable views.

"Then, when I was elected chairman, I took them on. I personally chaired the NCCL conference that, on my recommendation, refused to back by a massive majority a loathsome motion from a leading light in PIE calling on NCCL to support the so-called rights of paedophiles. Indeed, my stand was denounced in a leaflet distributed by PIE to the delegates to the conference."

He added: "As a lifelong opponent of evil men who abuse children, the accusations of the Daily Mail are untrue and beneath contempt."

Labour sources said Miliband had also thoroughly looked into the claims made by the Mail and regarded them as complete nonsense.

"There is a strong feeling in the party that this is a politically motivated campaign by the Daily Mail," a senior source said. Hewitt has not commented.

Well, not so clear cut as the Mail is making out. If what Harman says is correct, and can shown to be correct, she should sue the pants off the Mail.


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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Irn Bru Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:52 pm

Sassy wrote:Amazing how you have had no comments about that!

They're only interested in these three and are only asking for an apology whilst I'm calling for resignations to run people out of office if they indulge in supporting paedophiles.

They just don't appear to want to add to the support for Tom Watson's action to flush all the real scum out.

Very strange.
Irn Bru
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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:00 pm

during the 1970s and 80s, Miss Hewitt described PIE in glowing terms as ‘a campaigning/counselling group for adults attracted to children’.

The NCCL lobbied Parliament for the age of sexual consent to be cut to ten – if the child consented and ‘understood the nature of the act’.

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Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3 Empty Re: Leading Abuse Charity Demands Apology From Labour 3

Post by Guest Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:20 pm

That's what the Mail says without producing any evidence.   I'd like to see the evidence on both sides and the stuff about Britten loosing papers and the Tory Lady MP, find out the truth about what was going on, no DM stories that turn out to be incorrect.


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