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There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers."

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There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers." Empty There are lots of Israelis living in and owning stores in the West Bank - but they aren't "settlers." Only Jews can be "settlers."

Post by Guest Thu Mar 22, 2018 7:59 pm

Haaretz reports:

At a time when the number of students attending universities in Israel is dropping, in general (students are also flocking to private colleges instead), a report from the Palestinian Education Ministry, which Haaretz has obtained, shows that the number of Israelis at the university in Jenin has climbed from 36 to 5,294 in a decade.

An organized transportation system takes students from their homes in the Galilee and Little Triangle area of Arab cities in central Israel to the West Bank. In fact, Israeli Arabs now make up a majority of the student body at AAUJ, (Arab American University in Jenin), the first private Palestinian university. Founded in 2000, the institution is located southeast of Jenin in Area A of the West Bank – i.e., under the Palestinian Authority’s full civil and security control.

Officially, Israelis are prohibited from entering Area A, but the Israel Defense Forces does not enforce the ban when it comes to Arab citizens. The Palestinian Education Ministry report shows about 8,000 Israelis are studying in the West Bank this academic year, 66 percent of them at the university in Jenin. They constitute 55 percent of all students at AAUJ, and their presence is clearly felt in terms of what is studied at the school and in its atmosphere. During a visit there, you may feel for a moment as if you are at some Israeli institution of higher education in a city in the Galilee.

AAUJ students say relations with their Palestinian counterparts are warm and friendly, despite the expected academic competition. Many live in apartments owned by Israeli Arabs near the campus, which is surrounded by cafes and restaurants, many of which are also operated by Israelis. Over 2 percent of the full-time employees of the university have Israeli citizenship.

So there are Israelis who own apartments in Palestinian areas - and no one is calling them "settlers."

There are Israelis who own business in the West Bank - and no one is calling for those businesses to be boycotted. On the contrary, Palestinians happily buy products from these Israelis.

The only difference between these Israelis and the Israelis who the world insists are illegal and obstacles to peace is that these Israelis aren't Jewish.

What more proof do you need to know that those who scream loudest about "Israeli settlers" are just anti-semites?


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