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London, could it be the worst?

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London, could it be the worst? Empty London, could it be the worst?

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:11 am

“MY FIRST day in London I encountered a homeless woman, doubled over in the street, pushing out the biggest turd I had ever seen,” said David Roepcke.

“It was snowing outside and I could see the steam rising from it. The only thing I could imagine was it freezing into a solid and then tripping over it. Disgusting. It was like an omen for the rest of my time there.”

He told he lived in London in 2010, and that he “absolutely hated it”.

He’s just one of the millions of tourists who descend on London every year, romanticising about big red buses, buzzing night-life, and charming accents.

“It’s just like Australia, but colder, dirtier and devoid of any differing culture. Their pay-rates are also terrible. I worked at a Holiday Inn in Kings Cross for two months and was paid just over 1000 pounds (A$1651), for two months work, before tax.”

At that rate, he would only have made $19,812 a year, which is barely enough to survive in what’s notoriously one of the world’s most expensive cities.

He’s now a published author, and said the only reason Australians go there in droves is so they can adopt a “faux accent” and say: “When I lived in London, I used to ...”

Is it possible the world’s love affair with the British capital is finally over?

Parts of London — notably Shepherd’s Bush and Clapham Common — could almost pass as suburbs of Melbourne or Auckland, such is the number of Aussies and Kiwis.

It’s long been a favourite destination for travellers from this part of the world, particularly since working holiday visas are so easily accessible.

It’s not yet clear how Brexit will affect the application process, however, it seems it’s becoming quite fashionable to bag out the iconic city.

Just last week, Vice Australia’s Julian Morgans argued it was wrong to include London in the same sentence as great cities like New York, Paris and Tokyo.

“I found London ugly. I grew tired of working constantly but never having money. I resented the sky and its sad, broken sun. I grew tired of being ignored by everyone except Polish waiters and the cleaners from Bangladesh who, like me, had come dreaming of something greater than Sainsbury’s gin hangovers and mildew. We were all so disappointed,” he wrote.

He said the first thing he noticed was the fences everywhere, and the fact that “everything is idiot-proof, floodlit, locked-up and covered in CCTV”.

It paints a pretty grim picture.

Candice Meisels, a South African-born public relations consultant, told the city was nowhere near as romantic as she expected when she moved there with her British fiance.

“Coming from a summer country, like Australia or South Africa, the warmth is very much a part of your core, and it’s very hard to wake up every day to grey skies.”

Much more at Source
Published, January 25, 20178:59am
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:13 am

Ohh yes I am being a geranium, but the universe did provide this very interesting article this morning Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:31 am

obviously another "traveller" that hasnt REALLY travelled...

he's obvioulsy never been down the back streets of ANY major city ANYWHERE in the world...

Paris, Rome, Vienna Belin New York...All the same...

AND what typical wussies these foreigners from warm climates are...a bit of rain and they melt...SNOWFLAKES London, could it be the worst? 3489511464

as for that idiot looking for "romantic London" erm since when was that EVER a "selling point" want romance ...f*ck off to paris or rome (apparantly)

and everything is locked up fenced in and watched by CCTV...becasue the lefty geraniums allow thieves and ne'er do wells a free hand and no punishment to deter....and just lets say that most of te perps in London are in fact erm........those lovely "forigners" the lefty plonkers encourage so much

BUT since I dislike cities immensely anyway................................

they are ALL the same.....dirty, smelly, full of noise, crap and worst of all humanity.........

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Eilzel Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:35 am

London has plenty of sunny days Smile

And the writer is wrong. London is a stunning city. More multicultural than Paris (where most minorities can be found in the outskirts), and less museum like than the French capital too- with a greater range of architecture and restaurants. The people, imo, are friendlier in London too!

Though both cities pale in friendliness ratings next to Tokyo. But the Japanese city just doesn't have the same amount of well conserved history (in terms of buildings, they more than match in terms of culture).

All three are equally credible candidates for world's greatest city- with very few others really able to compete in terms of all the major factors- history, culture, friendliness, cuisine, convenience, tourism friendly and safe.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:09 am

Maybe he should have visited England's second city Manchester if he was looking for a good time. cheers
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:28 am

To be fair the same is said about Paris (Paris Syndrome is a real thing in Japan where it was heavily marketed as a tourist destination, but such a disappointment that people suffer long term depression)
and Much worse is said about Rome. Not only is the city itself a disappointment but Many travelers are quite disgusted with the current 'romans'. it seems a shame such ignorant people inherited such history.

Part of the problem is all propaganda Europe produces telling people's the best. Claiming Cultural marvels then presenting worn down old buildings that just are not as impressive as they are made out to be. Presenting these 'tourist friendly' cities that in reality are not very friendly. I think a lot of people leave them feeling a sense of 'false advertisement' and for Asians and Aussies it is expensive to travel to the other side of the world. People spend life savings for what they have been sold is going to be 'a trip of a life time' and come back disappointed mainly because expectation have been raised unreasonably high.

@LF regarding 'romance'
Bridget Jones plus all the Austin books are used to promote the idea that there are charming Englishmen..... instead they find 'chavs' Laughing Laughing Laughing

@Eilzel regarding Tokyo
many Aussies report the Japanese to be a bit rude/racist, this is mainly non-whites or part-caste people. Plus they underestimate how much Japanese language some Aussies know. Everyone Says about the Awesome food though. And most find the culture is in the country side.

New York and Beijing are the ones that people come back most in awe off for Buildings and size.
The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:39 am

Syl wrote:Maybe he should have visited England's second city Manchester if he was looking for a good time. cheers

it actually says similar

“Being from the UK I find it a shame London is the first or only city many tourists want to visit. London’s a dream destination for a lot of people but not me ... for me Edinburgh or York beat London every time.”

like LF I prefer the country side Cool Cool Cool
I'd recommend Adelaide in Australia, highly underrated and a Real friendly city. it's only a small city and it is basically plonked in the middle of.... not much.... but natural beauty and some good wineries Wink
I'd recommend Sydney or Melbourne but not both, they are too similar (Sydney if you like views and beaches, Melbourne if you like food and arts)

The Mod Loki, Minister of Chaos & Candy, Emperor of the Southern Realms, Captain Kangaroo

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Eilzel Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:49 am

Beijing? Seriously? It is the grimmest greyest polluted city that can be called 'developed'. The Forbidden city and Tiananem Square are awesome, but the city itself is nothing special imo, Shanghai is much better. In terms of people, they are much less welcoming of tourists tbh.

New York I don't know. If you like skyscrapers I guess, but it lacks the history of the other 4 mentioned.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:28 am

yeah but that is what Aussies want to see in a city, huge and monolithic.
I think Beijing's attraction come down to the combination of very modern building mixed with the traditional stuff. People do comment on the pollution though.
Shanghai is also popular and normally people will do both and a few more if they travel to China.

the history of buildings as a tourist attraction, I think is over rated. your seeing it now often in run down conditions past it's days of glory. That is part of the complaints about Rome, people go there to see the coliseum and stuff and find half pillaged structures, and often the images in our heads are the ones that described them 2000 years ago. I know I don't want to visit Rome because I would be so disappointed. pale pale pale
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Eilzel Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:09 am

Rome yes; but the cathedrals, museums, galleries, palaces and castles on Britain, France and much if Europe remain in magnificent condition.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:27 pm

York is lovely and quaint, we spend a bit of time there now my grandson is at York uni.
Chester is a nice place to visit too.
Personally, I love has majestic scenery and some of the coastline and beaches are beautifully unspoiled.

I think every place has it's great spots...and it's not so great.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Eilzel Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:06 pm

The whole north of England is stunning. York centre is magnificent. And of course Manchester is the shimmering heart of The North Smile

Only Liverpool lets the side down lol
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:24 pm

Miffs is gonna bash you Eil...... affraid

you have earned "frying pan rash"

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by eddie Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:57 pm

In my experience, there are big steaming piles of shit wherever you go.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:05 pm

eddie wrote:In my experience, there are big steaming piles of shit wherever you go.

Well yeah, and some people look down at it all the time.
Look up and see the sun, the stars, the beauty of wherever you are.

Just watch where you are walking. London, could it be the worst? Bark_dog_3
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Raggamuffin Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:36 pm

I lived in London for several years, but then I left in the 1990s. I had a good time there - mostly - and a job which I liked. It's a good place for young people IMO as there's lots going on, but it can get a bit much in the end.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Raggamuffin Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:39 pm

Oh, and comparing London to York or Edinburgh is just silly - no one would expect them to be alike.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:21 pm

Syl wrote:York is lovely and quaint, we spend a bit of time there now my grandson is at York uni.
Chester is a nice place to visit too.
Personally, I love has majestic scenery and some of the coastline and beaches are beautifully unspoiled.

I think every place has it's great spots...and it's not so great.

agree with you there love York - went there to the Christmas markets saw the ice sculptures . We go there in the summer take a boat trip and then head off into the Yorkshire Dales - have a drink in the Tann Hill Inn my grandson loves the sheep when they wonder into the pub . Such a beautiful place to visit all round and also near Whitby another beautiful place to visit .

We saw the Northern lights there that was an experience . (Tann Hill Inn)


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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Eilzel Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:47 am

Lord Foul wrote:Miffs is gonna bash you Eil...... affraid

you have earned "frying pan rash"

Miffs isn't native scouse so its ok Razz
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by eddie Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:45 am

Eilzel wrote:
Lord Foul wrote:Miffs is gonna bash you Eil...... affraid

you have earned "frying pan rash"

Miffs isn't native scouse so its ok Razz

Yeah....even so....she's gonna bash you mate. Neutral
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:14 pm

Vicar of Dibley (vod) wrote:
Syl wrote:York is lovely and quaint, we spend a bit of time there now my grandson is at York uni.
Chester is a nice place to visit too.
Personally, I love has majestic scenery and some of the coastline and beaches are beautifully unspoiled.

I think every place has it's great spots...and it's not so great.

agree with you  there love York - went there to the Christmas markets saw the ice sculptures . We go there in the summer take a boat trip and then head off into the Yorkshire Dales - have a drink in the Tann Hill Inn my grandson loves the sheep when they wonder into the pub . Such a beautiful place to visit all round and also near Whitby another beautiful place to visit .

We saw the Northern lights there that was an experience . (Tann Hill Inn)

The Northern lights must be quite an experience.....I have never even seen a shooting star, I always miss them. Mad

It's a few years since we went to Whitby, but we had quite a few lovely family holidays there.
Cornwall was always a favourite spot for us too...though the last couple of times we stayed there it rained and rained.

I honestly don't think you have to go far from your own doorstep wherever you live in the UK to find breath taking scenery and quaint little villages.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:24 pm

The Magpie fish restaurant in Whitby has such a good reputation it always had a long queue waiting to get in.
We decided to go was OK, no better than Harry Ramsdens though was our verdict.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:46 pm

Major wrote:I have NEVER found a Hary Rams which I would even give 5 out of 10, Syl

I consida meslf a connisuwer of fish and chips.

Haven't been to one in years Major, we went to the one in Blackpool a couple of times and enjoyed it....long queues again to get in though.

We don't have any decent local chippies round here anymore. They are all Chinese and seem to concentrate more on that menu...cod and chips has taken a back seat nowadays in lots of so called chippies.

We do have a good local one in Wales though, right by the coast, fresh caught fish....have to wait till summer to get there though.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:03 pm

theres a brilliant chippy in the village of Whittington on our route in and out of wales (use post code SY11 4DA in google maps)

mini fish chips and peas £3.
and its luverly.....and let me tell you that so called mini fish aint so mini...

and them mushy peas...delish....

if you ever pass that way Syl...give it a go....

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:29 pm

Northern fish and chips are the best Smile


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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:10 pm

Lord Foul wrote:theres a brilliant chippy in the village of Whittington on our route in and out of wales (use post code SY11 4DA in google maps)

mini fish chips and peas £3.
and its luverly.....and let me tell you that so called mini fish aint so mini...

and them mushy peas...delish....

if you ever pass that way Syl...give it a go....

Thanks LF, we spend a lot of time in Wales in the summer.If we are ever in that vicinity I will give it a try. x
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:19 pm

we spend a lot of time in and travelling to wales all year round...especially since we now own our own little (3 1/3rd acre) woodland plot of gods own country.....

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:33 pm

Lucky you. I honestly think parts of Wales are as scenic as anywhere in the world.
We have a static in Barmouth, but we spend a lot of time driving round to various places.
My OH says as soon as we get to Wales any stress he has just fades away.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Thu Jan 26, 2017 11:48 pm

I'm rebuilding my van interior into a camper, we have just had 70 odd tonne of stone laid to make a level parking/turning space on the edge of the wood so we can live in the van for a few days at a time...put up a frame tent at the back and drive away awning...

we have plenty of fuelwood for a stove so no need to use gas for cooking/hot water in summer/good weather....we will have blown hot air heating for cold weather so me and the missus and our pack of woofits will be very comfy.....

i have just about finished planning te coppicing rotation we will implement to bring the wood back into godd order and production and the coppice wood will provide things like walking stick blanks, rustic furniture poles and fuel wood for our log burner.
and BEST of all..its fun, and as I have in the past trained in forestry (amongst many other things...only this was for fun), all the more enjoyable.....

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:01 am

Wow....I bet you sleep well at night.
It sounds like a big project, you and your wife must have a lot of energy......sounds brilliant actually.
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:13 am

Well syl ...we dont do bad for 63 (me) and 62 (mrs LF) fairly fit..despite a few aches here and there and my diabetes....and there are ways to reduce the work input.....(use ropes and the landrover defenders(her motor of choice) winch to haul timber out), judicious use of pulleys etc and i can haul timber from anywhere in the wood to the camping area....a motorised barrow , and so on.....and of just enough each visit...dont try to do too much at isnt necesary...nothing happens very fast in a wood.....

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:21 am

You do very well, both of you, though 60s are now the new 40s.....(that's what I tell myself anyway) Cool

Will you live here permanently one day?
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:28 am

and of course some days we just go and do nothing...chill and enjoy the silence.....or harvest a few rabbits for my favourite rabbit stew,,,,(we got far far too many rabbits.....they are undermining parts of it...i put my foot down and collapsed a burrow...near bust my I'm afraid to say...rabbit pie /stew is a likely outcome.....) I'll take about 25% of them over the year....just to controll their numbers...and they will all be used as food, some we will keep , others I give to friends and or the local old folks home...(the older generation seem to love it).

And we have another pest...grey squirrels...ruddy things....eating the bark off me trees, and eating the new growth....I have declared war on them....grrrrrrrrrr.

we have a pond nearby that has frogs and greater crested newts in....(deep joy)
and are visited by otters from the river below us (which is an SSSI) We have fishing permission in the river so trout is on the menu Cool nom nom.....
song birds we have seen so far are goldcrests, grey wagtails, blackbirds, robins wrens and long tailed tits.
and there is at least one pair of woodpeckers...of what species i dont yet know, having only heard them "knocking"

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:30 am

Syl wrote:You do very well, both of you, though 60s are now the new 40s.....(that's what I tell myself anyway) Cool

Will you live here permanently one day?

unlikely since the chances of getting planning permission on that land is about, if we found a suitable place a bit nearer then maybe, I am even beginning to learn a bit of spoken Welsh

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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Syl Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:36 am

It's a hard language to learn. Some parts of Wales the locals use it a lot, not where we are luckily

Interesting to talk to bed now.

Nos da. Smile
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London, could it be the worst? Empty Re: London, could it be the worst?

Post by Victorismyhero Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:44 am

nos da, a diolch i chi

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