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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:44 am

Humans may be prejudiced by nature, but a new study has found that who we choose to hate may depend on our overall intelligence. The finding reconfirms the idea that it may be human nature to dislike those who are different from us — including those who look and think differently.

According to the study, people of lower intelligence, as measured by cognitive ability, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups, as well as groups that have little choice in their status, such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation. On the other hand, individuals of higher intelligence were likely to be prejudiced against groups considered conventional and groups perceived to have "high choice" in their associations, such as conservatives.

"People dislike people who are different from them," study authors Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford told Broadly. "Derogating people with different worldviews can help people maintain the validity of their own world view."

The duo’s findings are based on the results of a questionnaire completed by 5,914 volunteers. Brandt and Jarrett measured the volunteers’ intelligence and then asked them whether or not they believed a specific stereotype about a group was justified.

The reason for these differences in stereotypes, however, is more complicated than simply not liking those who are different from you. For example, the researchers explained that less intelligent people often like to view other groups as being distinctly different from them as a way to help see them as distant and therefore less of a threat.

Sadly, people of both high and low intelligence showed the same amount of prejudice, just toward different groups. But all hope is not lost. Another recent study found that prejudice, particularly prejudice against transgender individuals, can be reduced with a simple 10-minute conversation with someone from the marginalized group.

Source:Brandy MJ, Crawford JT. Answering Unresolved Questions About the Relationship Between Cognitive Ability and Prejudice. Social Psychology & Personality Science . 2016


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by veya_victaous Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:03 am

it's not just difference.
a progressive disliking a conservative is not about difference.
one is trying to move forward and one is trying to keep things the way they are.
it is a Direct conflict of goals.
and it is not a sterotype either it is the Stated Goal of each group
suggesting all conservative are redneck is sterotype, but suggest all conservatives follow conservative prinicpals is not, that is literally what the name of the group means.

it is not in any way similar to people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by eddie Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:33 am

The article is regurgitated nonsense that we have all read before and it's also just basic common sense working-out.

[clipped] "......people of lower intelligence, tend to be prejudiced against non-conventional or liberal groups such as people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
On the other hand, individuals of higher intelligence were likely to be prejudiced against groups considered conventional and groups perceived to have "high choice" in their associations, such as conservatives."

Nutshell: So thick bastards are more likely to be racist etc and intelligent bastards are likely to dislike conservative thinking.

Or in other words:

"Sadly, people of both high and low intelligence showed the same amount of prejudice, just toward different groups."

In other words: to be of either extreme makes you prejudice.
So extreme right or extreme left are as bad as eachother.
Conclusion: it's what I've been saying for years; you're all as bad and as biased and as prejudiced against other groups of people, as each other.

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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:02 pm

All as biased, maybe, but as bad? A racist who keeps to himself is not as bad as a racist who beats up minorities. And a smart person who simply dislikes conservatives isn't as bad as a smart person who beats up - - oh wait, that NEVER HAPPENS ...
Ben Reilly
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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:13 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:All as biased, maybe, but as bad? A racist who keeps to himself is not as bad as a racist who beats up minorities. And a smart person who simply dislikes conservatives isn't as bad as a smart person who beats up - - oh wait, that NEVER HAPPENS ...

Well I have for the last few years seen the hate and racism against Israel and how it then spreads onto hate of Jews and this comes more from the Far left today and some Muslims. I have seen the distain by the left on here for conservatives

The prejudice hate is exactly the same by some of the lengh and you can see this in the language used.
The more far left the person is, the more hateful.

So I agree to a crtain extent on the levels of prejudice, but again its where that prejudice can lead to which is what is important and what ios worse you find people even with no prejudice towards some groups hold a hateful prejudice as seen to others and they are not that intelligent at all. They come from the bracket you find many racists within

The fact is I condemn all racism. The left tend to make excuses for the Far left racists.


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:15 pm

veya_victaous wrote:it's not just difference.
a progressive disliking a conservative is not about difference.
one is trying to move forward and one is trying to keep things the way they are.
it is a Direct conflict of goals.
and it is not a sterotype either it is the Stated Goal of each group
suggesting all conservative are redneck is sterotype, but suggest all conservatives follow conservative prinicpals is not, that is literally what the name of the group means.

it is not in any way similar to people defined by their race, gender, or sexual orientation.

I would most definately disagree

For the last couple of days two so called progressives have been defending gender segregation based off bad religious beliefs.

That is not progressive and its the Conservative arguing against the regressive arguments that conflict with progressive and liberal values.

We have had lfties cheer and celebrate the death of Tories, wish Tories dead or other aspcts of things to happen to them
That is down right hatred and based off a prejudice.
I do not see it from Ben, I admit, but the far left on here are as hateful as the Far right, just different people that they hate

Again you will find pople just as prejudice from, the so called leftist progressive front and we see this is evident daily on here


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:00 pm

That is down right hatred and based off a prejudice.
I do not see it from Ben, I admit, but the far left on here are as hateful as the Far right, just different people that they hate
And no one around here spews and posts more about 'HATE & PREJUDICE' then our own Didgey-dooer; regardless of the genre - amusing topic - to whom it's about find a need to twist it into a 'We Hate Jews' and you are the only good debater that has membership here!  Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2023022481

So that must make you the quantified 'f'ing know it all about L vs R and whom hates the other the worst' ooze negative vibes out of every pore on your body!   FFS, broken record and boring as well. Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2086560741


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:02 pm

4EVER2 wrote:
That is down right hatred and based off a prejudice.
I do not see it from Ben, I admit, but the far left on here are as hateful as the Far right, just different people that they hate
And no one around here spews and posts more about 'HATE & PREJUDICE' then our own Didgey-dooer; regardless of the genre - amusing topic - to whom it's about find a need to twist it into a 'We Hate Jews' and you are the only good debater that has membership here!  Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2023022481

So that must make you the quantified 'f'ing know it all about L vs R and whom hates the other the worst' ooze negative vibes out of every pore on your body!   FFS, broken record and boring as well. Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2086560741

And i can always rely on 4ever to prove my point about some of the left on here, she being hateful to many posters on here.

I do not have to do much, they end up exposing themselves

So again 4ever does not debate the points, debates the poster, loks to start a confrontation and actually just proves my point

Notice aqain the type of language or views expressed about an individual by the left again, it bears all the hallmarks of people hateful.



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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:47 pm

If I hate Donald Trump, does that make me a bigot? I don't think so. I don't hate him because he's white, male, Christian (?), etc., I hate him because he stands for hatred.
Ben Reilly
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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:51 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:If I hate Donald Trump, does that make me a bigot? I don't think so. I don't hate him because he's white, male, Christian (?), etc., I hate him because he stands for hatred.

I don't hate him. I despise him because he stands for every nasty view it is possible to hold. And if there is something wrong with despising a piece of shit like him, hard luck.


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:59 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:If I hate Donald Trump, does that make me a bigot? I don't think so. I don't hate him because he's white, male, Christian (?), etc., I hate him because he stands for hatred.

We are all bigoted and prejudiced to different degrees dependent on what it is.

For exampl most would readily agree with me, that we are bigoted and prejudiced against child abusers and sex offenders.

To your point, you hate his beliefs then?


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:07 pm

His beliefs are his own right, I disagree with him but his desire to impose them on the country is why I hate him.
Ben Reilly
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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Eilzel Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:14 pm

I'm only prejudiced against bigots. That does not make me as bad as them, if they didn't dislike people for no good reason then I'd have no reason to dislike them for a very good one Wink
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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:18 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:His beliefs are his own right, I disagree with him but his desire to impose them on the country is why I hate him.

The reason I ask is again you can open up the door for others to apply the same mthodology.

So for example if someone does not like a bad religious beliefs and wishes to impose their religious beliefs.
It would be exceptable based off your methodology for then those pople to hate thse people trying to impose their beliefs then?

So is it not better to challenge and reason why the beliefs are poor and wrong, than the individual themselves?

As time and time again I have seen this hate made against both Trump and for example Farage and it only ever seems to end up backfiring with then instead create a rise in support.
They genrally end up losing support as they constantly end up exposing their hateful views themselves.
So to me it is better to challenge on their views as to then allow them to destroy their own images.

They both play off the image factor and play off the fear of people.


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:27 pm

Didge wrote:
4EVER2 wrote:
And no one around here spews and posts more about 'HATE & PREJUDICE' then our own Didgey-dooer; regardless of the genre - amusing topic - to whom it's about find a need to twist it into a 'We Hate Jews' and you are the only good debater that has membership here!  Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2023022481

So that must make you the quantified 'f'ing know it all about L vs R and whom hates the other the worst' ooze negative vibes out of every pore on your body!   FFS, broken record and boring as well. Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2086560741
And i can always rely on 4ever to prove my point about some of the left on here, she being hateful to many posters on here.
I do not have to do much, they end up exposing themselves
So again 4ever does not debate the points, debates the poster, loks to start a confrontation and actually just proves my point
Notice aqain the type of language or views expressed about an individual by the left again, it bears all the hallmarks of people hateful.

EXACTLY ON POINT OF YOUR VERY OWN TOPIC BUT YOUR SO FULL OF  Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 3359862487
you can't separate reality from the chaff that you and your wallpaper internet degree seems to provide you with license to lecture the community on: hate/ knowledge/ right vs wrong and the 'world according to Didgey-dooer' ... Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 371740092

NOBODY POUNDS THE TOPIC OF REDUNDANCY MORE THAN YOU DO ...and you still aren't qualified to preach or dictate the sermon to any one!  But, please ...don't let that keep you from yet another dose of vie - bile from St. Didgey-do-Gooder Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2686688521


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:29 pm

oh wow another post where 4ever talks about me and not the subject

Daily occurance it seems now


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:38 pm

Didge wrote:oh wow another post where 4ever talks about me and not the subject

Daily occurance it seems now
Short term memory causing you problems this morning Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 265384880   
Do I need to C & P your own topic title for you confused    Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 3408175593     Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2581891615


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:41 pm

4EVER2 wrote:
Didge wrote:oh wow another post where 4ever talks about me and not the subject

Daily occurance it seems now
Short term memory causing you problems this morning Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 265384880   
Do I need to C & P your own topic title for you confused    Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 3408175593     Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability 2581891615

So that is now 3 posts

Without you actually debating anything on the topic


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Ben Reilly Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:57 pm

Didge wrote:
Ben Reilly wrote:His beliefs are his own right, I disagree with him but his desire to impose them on the country is why I hate him.

The reason I ask is again you can open up the door for others to apply the same mthodology.

So for example if someone does not like a bad religious beliefs and wishes to impose their religious beliefs.
It would be exceptable based off your methodology for then those pople to hate thse people trying to impose their beliefs then?

So is it not better to challenge and reason why the beliefs are poor and wrong, than the individual themselves?

As time and time again I have seen this hate made against both Trump and for example Farage and it only ever seems to end up backfiring with then instead create a rise in support.
They genrally end up losing support as they constantly end up exposing their hateful views themselves.
So to me it is better to challenge on their views as to then allow them to destroy their own images.

They both play off the image factor and play off the fear of people.

If you're trying to conquer my country, me preventing you from doing that is not the same thing as me trying to conquer the country.
Ben Reilly
Ben Reilly
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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:03 pm

Ben Reilly wrote:
Didge wrote:

The reason I ask is again you can open up the door for others to apply the same mthodology.

So for example if someone does not like a bad religious beliefs and wishes to impose their religious beliefs.
It would be exceptable based off your methodology for then those pople to hate thse people trying to impose their beliefs then?

So is it not better to challenge and reason why the beliefs are poor and wrong, than the individual themselves?

As time and time again I have seen this hate made against both Trump and for example Farage and it only ever seems to end up backfiring with then instead create a rise in support.
They genrally end up losing support as they constantly end up exposing their hateful views themselves.
So to me it is better to challenge on their views as to then allow them to destroy their own images.

They both play off the image factor and play off the fear of people.

If you're trying to conquer my country, me preventing you from doing that is not the same thing as me trying to conquer the country.

Just as people belive the same with others with the spread of bad religious beleifs

All I am saying is to what works best, at times i will do the same with hatred for people who are child abusers.

We all do this to certain degrees, I just think that at the beginning many made the poor mistake of attacking Trump in the wrong way and it only increased his support. It all started to go downhill after he did exactly what I am talking about.
I even postd a thread on this very same thing that cost him his support
Like I said he ended up causing his own downfall
That is why I think with people who play off the publicity, it can have the opposite effect


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:12 pm

Here it is Ben:

Why have Trump’s numbers declined in the last month? The only possible answer is that Trump finally did something that was so awful that it staggered even some of those who were prepared to live with him as the GOP candidate. The Bloomberg poll reported that 72 percent of Americans were bothered by Trump’s racist rants against Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Trump wasted precious weeks focusing on besmirching the reputation of the judge who is presiding over the Trump University fraud case and denouncing him as incapable of fairness because the Indiana-born jurist is a “Mexican.”


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:57 pm

Didge wrote:Here it is Ben:
Why have Trump’s numbers declined in the last month? The only possible answer is that Trump finally did something that was so awful that it staggered even some of those who were prepared to live with him as the GOP candidate. The Bloomberg poll reported that 72 percent of Americans were bothered by Trump’s racist rants against Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Trump wasted precious weeks focusing on besmirching the reputation of the judge who is presiding over the Trump University fraud case and denouncing him as incapable of fairness because the Indiana-born jurist is a “Mexican.”
Evil or Very Mad   Now that's just sad, you'll go off topic/derail your own diatribe and pull another redundant thread in here that has nothing to do with your own; 'I hate most everyone and can't stand humanity because your all so stupid' rants with a lame Trump article? 

BTW - that article couldn't be any more lame/lazy and late for all of the utter ugly/vile/insane rants that 'Cheeto-Jesus' has spewed just since the end of the DNC Suspect  
But you'd really have to be paying attention if you wanted to be considered up todate with his vile/bile like - we the voting Americans are Twisted Evil


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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:59 pm

4EVER2 wrote:
Didge wrote:Here it is Ben:
Why have Trump’s numbers declined in the last month? The only possible answer is that Trump finally did something that was so awful that it staggered even some of those who were prepared to live with him as the GOP candidate. The Bloomberg poll reported that 72 percent of Americans were bothered by Trump’s racist rants against Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Trump wasted precious weeks focusing on besmirching the reputation of the judge who is presiding over the Trump University fraud case and denouncing him as incapable of fairness because the Indiana-born jurist is a “Mexican.”
Evil or Very Mad   Now that's just sad, you'll go off topic/derail your own diatribe and pull another redundant thread in here that has nothing to do with your own; 'I hate most everyone and can't stand humanity because your all so stupid' rants with a lame Trump article? 

BTW - that article couldn't be any more lame/lazy and late for all of the utter ugly/vile/insane rants that 'Cheeto-Jesus' has spewed just since the end of the DNC Suspect  
But you'd really have to be paying attention if you wanted to be considered up todate with his vile/bile like - we the voting Americans are Twisted Evil



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Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability Empty Re: Who You Hate Linked to How Smart You Are: New Study of Prejudice, Cognitive Ability

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:07 pm

Didge wrote:
Ben Reilly wrote:

If you're trying to conquer my country, me preventing you from doing that is not the same thing as me trying to conquer the country.

Just as people belive the same with others with the spread of bad religious beleifs

All I am saying is to what works best, at times i will do the same with hatred for people who are child abusers.

We all do this to certain degrees, I just think that at the beginning many made the poor mistake of attacking Trump in the wrong way and it only increased his support. It all started to go downhill after he did exactly what I am talking about.
I even postd a thread on this very same thing that cost him his support

Like I said he ended up causing his own downfall
That is why I think with people who play off the publicity, it can have the opposite effect

Ben brought up Trump, we were discussing this.

Hence :

Didge wrote:Here it is Ben:

Why have Trump’s numbers declined in the last month? The only possible answer is that Trump finally did something that was so awful that it staggered even some of those who were prepared to live with him as the GOP candidate. The Bloomberg poll reported that 72 percent of Americans were bothered by Trump’s racist rants against Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Trump wasted precious weeks focusing on besmirching the reputation of the judge who is presiding over the Trump University fraud case and denouncing him as incapable of fairness because the Indiana-born jurist is a “Mexican.”

Not off topic


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