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The leftist rhetoric of violence and mysogeny

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The leftist rhetoric of violence and mysogeny Empty The leftist rhetoric of violence and mysogeny

Post by Victorismyhero Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:27 am

Owen Smith said it pains him Labour does not have the power to "smash" Theresa May "back on her heels" as he talks about equality.

21:45, UK, Wednesday 27 July 2016

Owen Smith has sparked anger after saying that he was upset Labour did not have the power to "smash" Theresa May "back on her heels".

The Labour leadership contender's remarks - delivered during a speech about equality - immediately prompted accusations of sexism.

When questioned, he defended his choice of words and said "it was a piece of rhetoric from me and we should be smashing the Tories back on their heels".

He added he "didn't literally want to smash Theresa May back, I'm not advocating violence in any way" and he denied that it was a sexist comment.

of course not.....

He said Mrs May should reflect on the way austerity policies have "smashed" the people - and those worst affected have been women.

Later, the Labour leadership hopeful told Sky's Sophy Ridge: "I am a robust politician and I use robust language".

But he then issued an apology through a spokesman, saying: "It was off script and on reflection it was an inappropriate choice of phrase and he apologises for using it."

Mr Smith came under fire for using a domestic violence analogy in 2010 in an online article he wrote, in which he said: "Surely, the Liberals will file for divorce as soon as the bruises start to show through the make-up?"

Plaid Cymru AM Simon Thomas described the Pontypridd MP's words as "aggressive, macho, 1970s Valleys Labour - pleasing the core Corbynista vote".

Mr Smith also addressed misogyny in the party, saying: "I think we've seen a growth of misogyny in the party, that's definitely true.

"We've seen rape threats against women, all of these things should be deeply concerning to us.

"And I think we've seen more intolerance and greater racism in the country at large.

"Now, that's something we've got to try and change - we can change it through legislation, we can change it through change in culture."

folks are quick enough to jump on the bandwaggon when another politician says something "off colour" and press home that no, no matter how they apologise they actually meant exactly what they said

remember all those gaffes of various ukip folks ...(who often are not career politicians)

funny how they all meant exactly what they said

but somehow this is supposed to be accepted as a "mere slip of the tongue"

a bunch of animals ......


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