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The Waltham Forest Islamic Association: Conspiracy Theories, Antisemitism, and Rejection of the West

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The Waltham Forest Islamic Association: Conspiracy Theories, Antisemitism, and Rejection of the West Empty The Waltham Forest Islamic Association: Conspiracy Theories, Antisemitism, and Rejection of the West

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:29 pm

A Public Face
This is a public face of the Waltham Forest Islamic Association, also known as the Lea Bridge Road Mosque and the Jamia Masjid Ghousia. After the Paris atrocities, a condemnation.

The Waltham Forest Islamic Association: Conspiracy Theories, Antisemitism, and Rejection of the West A-public-face-of-the-Waltham-Forest-Islamic-Association1-300x217

The Other Face
Now step inside the mosque to see a very different face. Terrorism is actually “fabricated by governments” in order to attack Islam, preacher Hafiz Shareef says in a talk at the mosque last year. This is but one strand of a giant project of the dajjal (the devil).

This clip is taken from one of many events staged at the mosque over several years by a group called “Road 2 Reality”. It spreads absurd conspiracy theories about the “New World Order”, the “illuminati”, the Freemasons, and other pawns of the devil, who is preparing the End Times. Here’s a typical poster for one of the events.
The Waltham Forest Islamic Association: Conspiracy Theories, Antisemitism, and Rejection of the West Road-2-Reality-at-the-Waltham-Forest-Islamic-Association-300x211

This is a promotional video for the events at the mosque, designed to create divisive fear and anger.

In this kind of world the Jews are sure to be prominent. Indeed, here they are in another “Road 2 Reality” talk at the mosque. The “sick” Rothschild family owns 94% of the world’s wealth, controls world leaders as puppets, and “sponsors” wars, including both world wars.

There’s plenty more where this poisonous talk came from. Here Shareef warns his Waltham Forest audience that the End Times danger is very, very near. When it comes, it will be controlled from Israel, of course. He goes on to sayIsrael was actually created by the devil. In yet another rant at the mosque, Shareef seethes with disappointment in today’s Muslims, for they are feeble, weak, and deficient. They love the life of this world and fear death. This is deeply shameful, for that is what the Jews (the Yahood) are like. From 4:20 in this “Road 2 Reality” talk, see gleeful chuckling about Jews running in fear from Muslims when the End Times come. Muslims are also warned about music from 17 minutes in. The devil will use it to lure them, you see. But it will have no effect on the Jews, who will of course be marching alongside the devil.

Social Separatism and Denigration of the West
The Road 2 Reality events at the mosque are openly advertised with coarse language to encourage social separatism. Consider this example, casting the “kuffar” as part of the devil’s plot.
This unique event will cover a very interesting insight into how the kuffar are preparing for the arrival of the Dajjal using current day examples. Please attend and invite your friends and family
In fact, in the talks Muslims are told to avoid all sorts of western evil. Smartphones and modern televisions are part of the devil’s wicked project. Even KFC and McDonald’s are elements of the plot. So is women’s make-up. Contemporary sex education in schools is wrong and very dangerous. It must be opposed. In particular, homosexuality must be rejected and it is unacceptable to teach children that it is OK. New Year’s celebrations in London must be avoided, for even they are a route to damnation. And so on ad nauseam.

No Ahmadis, Not Even Dead
This episode in 2013 shows another ugly face of the mosque.
Mosque leaders denied a popular mini-cab driver a proper funeral, according to his friends.
The body of Khalid Mahmood, who died of a heart attack last Wednesday aged 52, had been prepared for the funeral prayer in Lea Bridge Road Mosque when allegations emerged that he belonged to the Ahmadi sect, which is not recognised as Muslim by Sunnis.
The mosque committee then stopped the funeral in order to keep peace they say, but friends say Mr Mahmood was disrespected and that the mosque’s actions only increase sectarianism.
One friend, Tanveer Khan, 57, a Walthamstow estate agent, said: “In a modern democracy this kind of discrimination should not happen.”
Another friend, Shahid Dastgir Khan, also 57, an Ilford solicitor and human rights activist, said: “These actions increase hatred between sects.
“The issue uniting us is common humanity and there is no place for using religion to divide people.”
At least there was some honesty from the mosque for once:
“If we had broken Islamic law there may have been violence and argument. What we did was in the name of peace in the community.”

Well yet further proof of the many problematic situations which is prevalent among Muslims, whether extremist or not. The same unhinged hate filled narratives and belief in countless wackadoodle conspiracy theories. Muslims are never going to ever be able to combat those drawn to extremism, when they  both are singing off the same hymn sheet on narratives against the west. A substantial number buy into the west is out to destroy Islam. That as seen on the video, apparently tens of thousands do not die each year from terrorism. This is where the problems are found and again due to the elevation of the hadiths to a parity with Surahs from the Quran. So it had me thinking, why is it so many Muslims buy into conspiracy theories?

Its very simple. They are already being controlled through literal absolutism. Which fundamentally denies many to look objectionably at their own faith. Just as we see in other religions when people hold a ,literal belief. So where in the Islamic world, it censor, bans, denies access to a multitude of concepts and beliefs. Many literal religious people are unable to openly and objectively look at their own faith, from an outsiders perspective. In other words for them to use empathic intelligence to view Islam. As if they were atheists, Christians, Buddhists etc. Then add to this they are bought and won over by a claim to a God existing. Not based off any evidence, but claims made in written works centuries ago. Which means they readily accept a supernatural belief, based only on faith. On top of this there is further problems for Muslims to even attempt to look objectively. In the Muslim world it can mean imprisonment and even death in numerous countries. To where in the west they can be ostracized by their families and at worse, even murdered in extreme cases.

Islamic society, is geared up to leave many Muslims with little choices. So if they readily believe and go on faith to back the supernatural. It then is blatantly obvious, they would also buy into countless conspiracy theories. Especially conspiracy theories that are racist against Jews and others claiming sinister forces are controlling the west, with unhinged claims of a New World order. so its very easy to see why they are drawn to such poor views, as a narrative with some Mosques and by Islamic teachers. Keeps those within that circle at complete odds in the society they are living in within the western countries. Thankfully, the majority of Muslims are not like this, but they are fed such falsified claims.
This is why to really combat Islamic extremism, they are failing to separate and even worse be at odds with the nation they are living within. Its this shambolic falsified narratives that is increasingly further dividing UK society and its down to those spreading this misinformation..

Its no wonder those who hold literal religious beliefs in the supernatural and fail to question them. Are going to be then more susceptible likely to believe conspiracy theories that back up the poor narrative. It shows more than anything, that religion in its literal stance. vastly denies critical thinking and freedom of thought.


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