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Latin American MPs sign resolution supporting Israel and opposing boycotts

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Latin American MPs sign resolution supporting Israel and opposing boycotts Empty Latin American MPs sign resolution supporting Israel and opposing boycotts

Post by Guest Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:47 pm

Law makers from 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries signed a resolution affirming their support of Israel and calling to fight boycotts, a document obtained by The Jerusalem Post Thursday confirmed. The parliamentarians met at the Israel Allies Foundation’s Second Annual Latin America Summit on Israel, which took place in Miami last week. Among the politicians attending were MK Michael Oren (Kulanu), US Congressmen Ed Royce (R-California), and Eliot Engel (D-New York), chairman and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The IAF, founded by former minister Rabbi Binyamin Elon, works with parliaments around the world to mobilize political support for Israel based on Judeo-Christian values. The resolution the Latin American lawmakers signed states, in Spanish, that they “unequivocally declare, personally, our support for the Jewish people to live in peace, safety and security in the Land of Israel,” and that “strong relations between the Western Hemisphere and Israel are crucial to the spread of freedom, democracy and justice around the world.”

As such, the legislators encouraged their governments to increase efforts to strengthen ties with Israel.[Newsletter]

Slowly but surely the nations of the world are finally understanding that the BDS is nothing more than a racist organisation of hate. Seeking to promote hate through deception and lies, with the view to dehumanize Israeli's/Jews. They want to world to find Israel guilty of numerous invented crimes, which they make parable to the worst human rights abuses in history. Not only is that insulting to the victims of all the events they place parable claiming the same of Israel, but its intentionally devised seeking unilateral hate of the Israel's. And no crimes convicted through any legal system , but through lies and hate, where they are claiming judge jury and sentence. Where there goal is to have the world ostracize Israel, left to fend for themselves. Why would they do this?

Well what would happen to a nation with no support from any nation?
It would become extremely weak and then vulnerable to its enemies.

The very fact a peace treaty requires both sides to conclude that peace and not the BDS to instead stand in the way of that peace trying to force through the extinction of the State of Israel. I mean a group that has issues with nations who are human rights supposed human rights abusers. Does not ignore every single other nation, including the Palestinian territories who commit human rights abuses. Its not of course stated in writting but many of the leaders have expressed this is their aim. The BDS, and even its leaders admit is to see Israel gone and replaced by a Palestinian state. On every level the organisation should be classified as a hate group. It targets one people with lies, disinformation, falsified and made up claims, with the intent to deligitimize and dehumanize. It actively and openly admits to destruction of the state of Israel, thus denying what every other nation and its people have. Self determination. A peace is brokered by both sides coming to an understanding and the BDS wants instead to create a new state. That would lack women rights, LGTB rights, denied freedom of speech, would be the actual creation of an Apartheid state as the Palestinian authorities have stated they wish to expel the Jews and Hamas wishes to wipe them out. No Freedom of ownership. No religious freedom, but some of the worst areas for religious persecution in both Gaza and the West Bank. If Hamas were to then gain control over Hamas of such a new state. It would be an islamist run state.

Even then I want a two state solution, but can never support either Hamas or Fatah to lead or form Governments of former West Bank and Gaza into a Palestinian State.. That can only happen by both sides finally creating a lasting peace under new leadership.

Last, but not least and contrary to what some people on here wrongly think.
Boycotts did not end Apartheid
The struggle of the Black South African people ended Apartheid, with support from white South Africans who wanted change, that the White South African racist Government knew the wind was changing, Mandela who sought reconciliation, not vengeance when Apartheid ended and a multitude of reasons. Basically a chain of events in the end help bring about the end of Apartheid.

Now the reality is sanctions never really work, Cuba and countless nations like Iraq under Saddam are testimony to that and in fact:

"Hazlett notes elsewhere that sanctions failed to "lower South African trade flows from their previous levels, but GNP growth actually accelerated after the European Community and the United States imposed sanctions (in September and October 1986, respectively). Perversely, South African businesses reaped at least $5 billion to $10 billion in windfalls as Western firms disinvested at fire sale prices between 1984 and 1989." That's worth noting every time that sanctions are brought up as a way of undermining a regime or policy that somebody doesn't like. They rarely work as intended, if they even work at all."

So even though I will not deny boycotts were very public thus gaining publicity on Apartheid. They in fact just like sanctions hit those poorest in the countries targeted and thus people end up suffering further under a system. Now this was to bring about a change of a racist and prejudice system. It was not promoted ever for South Africa to be destroyed, as it was one nation. Israel and and the Palestinian territories are not one nation and have not been since the British Mandate ruled by the British and before by the Ottomans. Hence the association to claim its an apartheid state is the worst disingenuous lie going. In fact a nation who ticks most boxes on similarities to South African Apartheid, is Saudi Arabia, yet no such stance or claim is made by the BDS.

Its even more appalling, when even more so, Israeli Arabs have more rights than any other Arab does living in an Arab nation in existence. To claim Israel, in the weakest association possible to be an Apartheid state. Would mean no such Palestinian territories existing and the entire land would then have to all Israeli land. Even then Palestinians can come to work in Israel, those in residence can apply for citizenship. No Jew can apply for citizenship in the Palestinian territories or work there, are denied the right to buy land or even live areas under Palestinian Government control. The most pathetic of claims stems from Israeli check points, all of which would have never been needed if not for Israel being constantly attacked with terrorism, because many refuse to accept their right to exist. That is the bases for the disgusting unfounded comparison of Apartheid on Israel, ignoring where in fact some Palestinian laws would tick far more boxes on Apartheid. Check points is also something we all go through within our own countries.

So it saddens me that for so long a group has and still does promote the most vilest hate against a people.

There is nothing wrong with genuine criticism of Israel, but the countless invented crap falsified and wrongly and poorly associated to some of the worst and most tragic events in history, is a travesty and insult in itself to even attempt to compare something so far removed. The only reason why people would;d even begin to make such outlandish and hateful views, has only one answer. To dehumanize all a people with hate.


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