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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Guest Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:18 am

This is a guest post by a former Muslim prison chaplain

We have previously written about the controversial NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali and his links to Islamist extremism, and exposed his policy of recruiting hard-line anti-Western Imams for prisons.  Today the following article appeared in The Sunday Times:

A government adviser on Islam faces having to leave his post after authorising the recruitment of about 140 prison imams who hold anti-British views. An independent review into the role of Ahtsham Ali, the Muslim adviser to the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), has found that he oversaw the appointment of prison imams who have studied Deobandi Islam, a hardline Sunni interpretation of Islamic scripture contrary to British values and human rights. Deobandi Islam, which developed in India in the 19th century as a reaction against British colonialism, also forbids music and promotes gender segregation. Whitehall officials confirmed that the NOMS, an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), was considering Ali’s role in the wake of findings that about 70% of the imams whose recruitment he had overseen were Deobandis.

“It is very worrying that imams with anti-British values are preaching in prisons at a time when Islamist radicalisation in prison is a growing problem,” a source said. “And Ali, by his own admission, has been responsible for recruiting such Imams,” Ali told the home affairs parliamentary committee in 2011 that he was responsible for “all recruitment for employed Muslim chaplains”. The MOJ and Ali declined to comment but a friend of the NOMS advisor told The Sunday Times: “Ahtsham doesn’t follow any particular denomination; he studied Islam at length but he does follow any particular viewpoint.” Questions over Ali’s future role with NOMS coincide with the completion of a second independent review into Islamist extremism in prisons commissioned by Michael Gove, the justice secretary.  The review, which was conducted by Ian Acheson, a former Home Office official, is understood to recommend better monitoring of prisoners who had been convicted of terrorism-related offences to reduce radicalisation.

“Acheson will recommend that better monitoring and profiling of such prisoners should be put in place, ” said a source.
According to the MOJ there were 12,622 Muslim inmates in September last year, representing 10.8% of the prison population.
(Source: The Sunday Times)

Despite a claim by a ‘friend’ of Ali (which is most likely Ali himself) that he doesn’t follow any particular denomination, it has now come to light  that he doesn’t even consider Wahabism and Salafism (the most extremist and viiolent form of Islam) to be violent.  In a talk Ali gave in 2011 he stated the following: 

“Salafism and Wahabism at its core is not violent” Either Ali doesn’t know anything about Salafism and Wahabism (highly unlikely) or he is deliberately misleading people.  If Ali considers rigid, narrow, fundamentalist and literal forms of Islam to be non-violent then he is of even bigger concern and must be removed from his role immediately.  Wahabism and Salafism is anti-women (a women must be covered from head to toe and cannot leave her house with her husband’s permission), anti-Semitic, calls for the deaths of homosexuals and apostates, considers Jews and Christians to be pigs and also calls for a violent jihad against ‘innovators’ (read Sufi and Shia Muslims).  If this is not violent then I don’t know what is!

In 2008, Mr Ali was making the case that Muslim sex offenders should not attend rehabilitation classes because “there is a legitimate Islamic opinion”which stops sex offenders from talking about their crimes.  Is this guy for real? I wonder which legitimate Islamic opinion the sex offenders were following when they were committing their crimes! Once again our government needs to consider whether a man with such views is really fit to be a senior pubic servant.  Despite numerous concerns being raised over the years, NOMS doesn’t appear to have been interested in taking any action against Mr Ali (perhaps because they have been complicit in promoting him and fear that he could take them down with him).  We really do hope that, for the sake of our country, NOMS and MOJ do decide finally to intervene and stop this man from promoting anymore dangerous extremist nonsense in prisons. We will again be asking questions and raising our concerns further as violent extremism and anti-Western propaganda is far too important to ignore.


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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:53 am

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Guest Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:56 am

Cicero was wrong, as Rome did survive after the Republic fell under Julius Caesar, so much so it lasted another 4 centuries.


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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:34 pm

All depends how many traitors there are...
Tommy Monk
Tommy Monk
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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Guest Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:36 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:All depends how many traitors there are...

Have you read any Roman history Tommy?


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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Miffs2 Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:26 pm

Didge wrote:
Tommy Monk wrote:All depends how many traitors there are...

Have you read any Roman history Tommy?

I have seen Carry on Cleo if that helps.
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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by Guest Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:28 pm

Miffs2 wrote:
Didge wrote:

Have you read any Roman history Tommy?

I have seen Carry on Cleo if that helps.

Ha ha ha and a very funny film at that....

Kennith Williams, comedy genius.....


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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by HoratioTarr Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:46 pm

NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams 32-funny-Arab-meme-72-virgins
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NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams Empty Re: NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams

Post by HoratioTarr Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:47 pm

Miffs2 wrote:
Didge wrote:

Have you read any Roman history Tommy?

I have seen Carry on Cleo if that helps.
NOMS Muslim Advisor Ahtsham Ali faces the sack for hiring anti-Western Imams 493_500_csupload_60602823
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