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2 separate attacks wound Israeli child and soldier, latest in spike of violence

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2 separate attacks wound Israeli child and soldier, latest in spike of violence Empty 2 separate attacks wound Israeli child and soldier, latest in spike of violence

Post by Guest Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:17 pm

JERUSALEM — Israeli authorities say two separate attacks by Palestinian have injured an Israeli toddler and a soldier.

Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said Palestinians threw rocks at an Israeli car near Jerusalem lightly injuring the driver and a 2-year-old girl.

Later the Israeli military said a soldier was wounded when Palestinians threw an improvised explosive device at a patrol close to Jerusalem in the West Bank. A spike in violence has erupted since a firebomb attack killed a Palestinian toddler and his father last month by suspected Jewish extremists. Since then, there have been several Palestinian stabbing attacks on Israelis and a firebombing of an Israeli car.

Israel believes the Palestinian assaults were "lone wolf" attacks.


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