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Settler Violence turned on IDF

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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:30 am

From Facebook, because you won't find it in the press

Younes Arar added 4 new photos.
3 hrs ·

Tragically amazingly fucken funny, they have zero respect to the international law and their own law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hundreds of terrorist Zionist occupation colonists blocked today the highways and clashed with Zionist occupation forces while trying to demolish buildings built illegally on private Palestinian land in the illegal Beit Il colony, a decision was made by the Zionist occupation supreme court to demolish these two buildings few weeks ago...The funny thing that the Zionist occupation government opposed the court decision in addition to the minister of "Justice" Ayelet Shakid who called to kill Palestinian mothers and children last July 2014 opposed the decision as well and the government will appeal the Court's decision and urged colonists not to allow the demolition, how about that?????????, even the soldiers and police were attacked by the colonists but non of them was hurt, imagine this was a Palestinian protest, how many will lose their lives!!!!!!!!, 28 July 2015.

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In the last few days the IDF and Settlers have stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque:

Zionist occupation forces understanding to "Freedom of Worship",
Up to my humble simple understanding mosques, churches, synagogues and temples in general were built for prayer and to hold religious activities but definitely not for suppression. Such sites must be weapon free areas because they are not designated for that, and actually this how it goes all over the world, people of all beliefs do respect such peaceful places that were built to send messages of peace, love and forgiveness, except in occupied Palestine, our mosques and churches are attacked all the time by Zionist occupation forces and terrorist Zionist colonists, even sometimes the burn and even destroy our holy sites. These pics were taken yesterday in Al Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem following Zionist occupation forces raid to the mosque, prayers were severely attacked, mosque properties were destroyed, 27 July 2015.

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Only in occupied Palestine where you can see and experience the unacceptable and the inhuman,
How would you feel when you are praying (Mosque, Church, Synagogue, Temple) and a gun is pointed at your head. Pic taken yesterday inside Al Aqsa Mosque of Zionist occupation forces raiding the mosque showing no respect to the site's sanctity and or to the prayers, 27 July 2015.

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And then of course there were the maches demanding that the mosque be pulled down:

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Everyday life in the West Bank.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:52 am

The demolished Palestinian apartment and two stores owned by Khalil and Eyad Abbasi from Silwan neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem today by Zionist occupation forces, 28 July 2015.

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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Irn Bru Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:58 am

So much for a two state solution then. Not in their eyes.
Irn Bru
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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:10 am

Been arguing with some Israeli's on Facebook. They said that Palestine is theirs, it was given to them by God and Palestinians do not belong there. You couldn't make it up! We were talking about the little Palestinian girl who cried when she spoke to Angela Merkel. Her words were, and I quote: all land belongs to Israel. Palestine is not her homeland and never will be.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by veya_victaous Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:20 am

so do are we now meant to accept the argument of Lebensraum?

if we are going to remember ww2, then lets start by stopping the nation acting like fucking Nazis stealing the land next to them.
Palestine or Poland the crime is the same, Zionist Must be treated he same as Nazis.
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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:18 am

Except that is a good yarn made on face book when some of those pictures are actually where Palestinians baricaded themselves on the temple mount:
Nothing worse than lefties pulling a fast one with made up bullshit on facebook showing pictures from the riots Palestinians youths started attacking Jews going to pray and makes it look the other way round, utterly pathetic:

Police clashed with Palestinians on the Temple Mount yesterday, during the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av. The Jerusalem Post posted footage of Palestinians barricaded in the Al-Aqsa Mosque throwing rocks and firecrackers at police.
The rioting took place as tens of thousands of Jews fasted and made a pilgrimage to the Western Wall amid oppressive heat to mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples that once sat atop the contested holy site.
According to Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, officers entered the compound shortly after 7:30 a.m., after receiving intelligence that a large group of masked Palestinian youths barricaded themselves overnight in al-Aksa Mosque to attack Jewish visitors on Sunday morning.


Police forced their way into al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on Sunday morning, with several officers wounded after Arab Arab youths threw stones and launched fireworks at them.
Jerusalem District Police received information that some youths had barricaded themselves inside the mosque overnight and collected stones, planks, and Molotov cocktails with the purpose of altercating with police and disturbing the visits of Jews arriving at the Temple Mount complex for Tisha B'Av prayers.
Tisha B'Av is an annual fast day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. Palestinians were angered by what they considered intrusions by Jews. Visits are allowed, but Jewish prayer at the site is prohibited.

The youths, some of whom wore face masks, created barricades to prevent the door into the mosque from being closed using shoe racks, iron rods, and ropes.
When a police team approached the mosque, the youths started throwing stones and launching fireworks at them. Police and paramilitary Border Police forces entered the complex as the rioters escaped into the mosque and threw dozens of stones and concrete blocks.

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The rioters before the arrival of law enforcement (Photo: Police Spokesman's Unit)[/ltr]

Police began to remove the barricades placed at the entrance to the mosque. They went a few meters into the mosque to shut the doors in a bid to restore calm and lock in rioters who were inside.
About 300 security personnel had entered the compound when the clashes began with a couple of hundred Palestinians, an AFP photographer reported.

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Police at the entrance to the mosque (Photo: Police Spokesman's Unit)[/ltr]

The police said that after their brief foray into the mosque, they withdrew and the area was quiet. Access to the site was later restricted.

Police said the Temple Mount complex was closed on time and that during the day it was visited by some 1,200 visitors.
At least three Palestinians throwing stones were arrested and four police officers were slightly wounded.,7340,L-4684025,00.html

Why some of the left are disingenuous.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:35 pm

Israeli forces, right-wingers storm Aqsa mosque compound

Israeli forces broke into Al-Aqsa mosque compound Sunday morning firing stun grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets at Muslim worshipers as they cleared way for right-wing Jews who were visiting the compound to mark a Jewish fast day, witnesses said.Dozens of Palestinian worshipers were reportedly hit with rubber-coated bullets and suffered excessive tear gas inhalation, while Israeli police officers were reported to have attacked worshipers with pepper spray, rods and rifle butts.The officers entered the compound through the Moroccan Gate, Chain Gate and Hutta Gate and clashed with worshipers, witnesses said, and Israeli soldiers then shut down the compound’s gates with chains. Israeli soldiers also reportedly stormed Al-Aqsa mosque itself and fired rubber-coated bullets inside the holy site. The compound's Palestinian security guards were assaulted and prevented from moving, witnesses said.Right-wing Jews then began to make their way into the compound in groups via the Moroccan gate.Israel's minister of agriculture, Uri Ariel, was reportedly among the right-wingers to tour the compound under heavy police escort. Ariel is a member of Naftali Bennett's ultra-right Jewish Home party.Sunday was marked as Tisha B'Av, an annual Jewish fast day that commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Jewish Temples. The fast day is considered the saddest day in the Jewish calendar.

Earlier in the morning, Israeli forces imposed strict restrictions on entry of Palestinians Muslim worshipers into the compound.Witnesses said that at dawn, Israeli officers allowed only women and men over the age of 50 to enter the compound. After 6:30 a.m. all Palestinians were reportedly denied entry.The Al-Aqsa mosque compound has seen rising tensions in recent days, with Jewish organizations calling for the compound to be open to Jews for the week after Tisha B'Av and others seeking to celebrate unconfirmed reports that Israel is negotiating the reopening of the compound to non-Muslim worship.At the end of June, International Crisis Group reported discussions between Israel and the Islamic Endowment that controls the mosque compound on allowing non-Muslim worship at the site, although the move has not yet been confirmed.The third holiest site in Islam, the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound is also venerated as Judaism's most holy place as it sits where Jews believe the First and Second Temples once stood.Following Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967, Israel has maintained an agreement with the Islamic Endowment not to allow non-Muslim prayer in the area.Jewish prayer is allowed at the neighboring Western Wall, which is the last remnant of the Second Temple.However, Israeli forces regularly escort Jewish visitors to Al-Aqsa, leading to anger among Muslim worshipers.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:40 pm

Yep storm the Mosque after palestinians youths attacked jews praying at the Temple Mount.
They were hit with rubber bullets. ah bless them.
Of course more Police were hurt but Sassy omits this also
Of course sassy omits that they had petrol bombs, but never mind its okay for them to throw rocks at people praying to her.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:47 pm


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:51 pm

Well that video puts paid to the bollocks claimed on Facebook.
Its clear as day they were throwing stones over the wall onto worshippers and then the barage onto Police is intensive to say the least.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:57 pm

veya_victaous wrote:so do are we now meant to accept the argument of Lebensraum?

if we are going to remember ww2, then lets start by stopping the nation acting like fucking Nazis stealing the land next to them.
Palestine or Poland the crime is the same, Zionist Must be treated he same as Nazis.

Settler Violence turned on IDF Expanding_israel

Wierdest Lebensraum I have ever seen where land is constantly given up over decades by Israel.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by captain Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:50 pm

This ethnic cleansing, humiliation and torture never ends. Sad
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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:51 pm

captainJane wrote:This ethnic cleansing, humiliation and torture never ends. Sad  

Yes I mean Jews praying at a wall to be faced with rocks being thrown at them.
One wonders where such hate people form to attack people at prayer.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:11 pm

captainJane wrote:This ethnic cleansing, humiliation and torture never ends. Sad  

I know Jane, it's utterly repellent.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:14 pm

sassy wrote:
captainJane wrote:This ethnic cleansing, humiliation and torture never ends. Sad  

I know Jane, it's utterly repellent.

Are you in agreement it is repellent to attack Jews with rocks for just praying?


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:40 pm

Scurry, scurry, scurry little zionist cockroach.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:41 pm

sassy wrote:Scurry, scurry, scurry little zionist cockroach.

I shall try again:

Are you in agreement it is repellent to attack Jews with rocks for just praying?


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:57 pm

How many IDF did it take to force one woman out of the mosque?


Settler Violence turned on IDF CLF8eS1WEAAxrd5


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:58 pm

sassy wrote:How many IDF did it take to force one woman out of the mosque?


Settler Violence turned on IDF CLF8eS1WEAAxrd5

I shall try again:

Are you in agreement it is repellent to attack Jews with rocks for just praying?


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:59 pm

Classic fuck up by Sassy as well, as what army unifom are thos in the picture Sassy?



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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Original Quill Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:30 pm

Cuchulain wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:so do are we now meant to accept the argument of Lebensraum?

if we are going to remember ww2, then lets start by stopping the nation acting like fucking Nazis stealing the land next to them.
Palestine or Poland the crime is the same, Zionist Must be treated he same as Nazis.

Settler Violence turned on IDF Expanding_israel

Wierdest Lebensraum I have ever seen where land is constantly given up over decades by Israel.

You are claiming that all of the Levant and the Sinai was originally Israel? Very strange interpretation. If you carry this to its logical conclusion, you are saying that anything that Israel can conquer belongs to Israel. From there, I don't think you can avoid the analogy to Lebensraum, Germany's expansionism under a German Empire in Central Europe: "Lebensraum [is] a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races to displace people of inferior races; especially if the people of a superior race were facing overpopulation in their given territories." Lee, Europe, 1890-1945.

In any case, I believe this thread is about the present occupation of land that clearly does not currently belong to Israel. This effort, to place it into context, belongs to the overall rejection by Israel of the two-state solution.

At some point Israel's professed need for buffers and defenses is superseded by the rights of those in current legal right of the land. 'Occupation' is a clear indication that the purposes professed by Israel are not genuine. But then, we don't need occupation to tell us that; Netanyahu makes it clear in his pronouncements.

Original Quill
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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:46 pm

Original Quill wrote:
Cuchulain wrote:

Settler Violence turned on IDF Expanding_israel

Wierdest Lebensraum I have ever seen where land is constantly given up over decades by Israel.

You are claiming that all of the Levant and the Sinai was originally Israel?  Very strange interpretation.  If you carry this to its logical conclusion, you are saying that anything that Israel can conquer belongs to Israel.  From there, I don't think you can avoid the analogy to Lebensraum, Germany's expansionism under a German Empire in Central Europe: "Lebensraum [is] a law of nature for all healthy and vigorous peoples of superior races to displace people of inferior races; especially if the people of a superior race were facing overpopulation in their given territories."  Lee, Europe, 1890-1945.

In any case, I believe this thread is about the present occupation of land that clearly does not currently belong to Israel.  This effort, to place it into context, belongs to the overall rejection by Israel of the two-state solution.

At some point Israel's professed need for buffers and defenses is superseded by the rights of those in current legal right of the land.  'Occupation' is a clear indication that the purposes professed by Israel are not genuine.  But then, we don't need occupation to tell us that; Netanyahu makes it clear in his pronouncements.

As usual not even understanding history.
Try starting with the Belfour agreement to Israel waht was proposed.
Then from 1973 from conflicts with Arab neighbours who attacked israel and in decades since Israel has given up land, so any claim to Lebensraum is complete babble.. Unlike other nations that have won land from being attacked by aggressors, resolution 242 was introduced to deny this, which Israel agreed to, of which the PLO did not. Please learn the real history.

No this thread is about sassy telling porkies, where an attack by Palestinian youths on Jews praying is some how turned around to make them look like victims, which is nothing short of a joke, as seen by the fact the evidence points to them even on video throwing rocks over the wall at Jews at prayer.


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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Original Quill Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:12 pm

Try starting with the Belfour agreement to Israel waht was proposed.
Didge wrote:Then from 1973 from conflicts with Arab neighbours who attacked israel and in decades since Israel has given up land, so any claim to Lebensraum is complete babble.. Unlike other nations that have won land from being attacked by aggressors, resolution 242 was introduced to deny this, which Israel agreed to, of which the PLO did not. Please learn the real history.

And this justifies occupation and building on Palestinian

Didge, I think you are just tossing out events/places in order to sound erudite. It appears that you are saying that because Israel didn't start the conflicts, or that they won them, Israel is justified. I don't don't get into much political theory.

It's not a matter of who started the conflicts. It matters what was the outcome. Israel broke breaking them now. How is that different from...oh, um, Czechoslovakia?

It's not too difficult. Lebensraum combines international larceny with racism, and domination or winning--realpolitik--to justify 'taking over'. That's what the Israeli settlers are doing, isn't it?

We don't need a lot of fancy disquisitions to understand that.

Original Quill
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Settler Violence turned on IDF Empty Re: Settler Violence turned on IDF

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:43 pm

Original Quill wrote:Try starting with the Belfour agreement to Israel waht was proposed.
Didge wrote:Then from 1973 from conflicts with Arab neighbours who attacked israel and in decades since Israel has given up land, so any claim to Lebensraum is complete babble.. Unlike other nations that have won land from being attacked by aggressors, resolution 242 was introduced to deny this, which Israel agreed to, of which the PLO did not. Please learn the real history.

And this justifies occupation and building on Palestinian

Didge, I think you are just tossing out events/places in order to sound erudite.  It appears that you are saying that because Israel didn't start the conflicts, or that they won them, Israel is justified.  I don't don't get into much political theory.

It's not a matter of who started the conflicts.  It matters what was the outcome.  Israel broke breaking them now.  How is that different from...oh, um, Czechoslovakia?

It's not too difficult.  Lebensraum combines international larceny with racism, and domination or winning--realpolitik--to justify 'taking over'.  That's what the Israeli settlers are doing, isn't it?

We don't need a lot of fancy disquisitions to understand that.

At no point have a I ever said the settlements are ever okay.
What is not okay is to expect Israel to change the demographics of what constitues the country today, it would be like asking the US to rescind all land back to the native Indians. Things have channged of which both Fatah and Hamas want all of israel sceeded over to them to create one Palestinian nation, because they do not recognise Israel and never have..It is about who started this because from the start up until today they have never recognised Israel and at present have no intention of doing so, which is a massive hurdle in any negotiation fopr peace. The PLO, Fatah etc have had opportunitied to form a state and now 3 times have failed to do since first a state was proposed.

If anything it is the Palestinians who represent the Germans here. We have a nation who were the aggresors in a conflict of which they lost, Germany in WW1. Both hand land where there people lived on sceeded to other nations. Germany sought to reclaim this land with the build up to world war 2, just as the Palestinians do today as neither could except defeat, of which they created and started. Both rejected the right to statehood of other nations. Germany rejected Poland as a right to a nation as well as the Czech Republic. Germany has since lost again and has had 12 million refugees placed within homes again. They learnt they had committed wrongs and moved on, where as the Palestinians refuse to do so. The Palestinians and other Arab nations keep these refugees in linmbo to use as a tool to keep the conflict going So you need to check your history again. There is no doubt Israel does wrong with settlements, but at every turn over the last few decades they hade sceeded land back to nations it had won in conflicts. Israel creates buffer settlements against any further agression. This is not like the German plan of  Lebensraum, which was an original concept of the Pan Germanic league, which in corporated not only most of Eastern Europe but also most of the west. Israel is but a tiny nation in comparrison, which has no intentions of further lands outside this sphere. As if it did it would have invaded what is now Jordan as this was orginally proposed to them in the Balfour plan.

What you fail to grasp is that every turn Israel is held to a higher standard than any nation before or since in conflict and much of it has to do with Arab influence into the UN. Its all about money and the Arabs have plenty of this through oil rich nations. You have no comprehension to understand what it is like to have your nation face its very existance as a furture because nations that surround them have lnext to no regard of recognising them.


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