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Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:39 am

Today, the latest publicity stunt by pro-Palestinian activists ended harmlessly as the Israel Navy intercepted a ship off the coast of Gaza that was attempting to break the blockade of the strip in order to draw attention to what is passengers claim is a humanitarian crisis. But, like previous Gaza flotillas, the effort has little to do with the plight of the people of Gaza and everything to do with the long war being waged to end Israel’s existence. More to the point, the continued focus on Gaza by those calling themselves advocates for human rights at the very moment that a genuine human catastrophe is occurring inside Syria without much of response from the international community tells us all we need to know about the hypocrisy of Israel-bashers.

The fact that it was Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who today pointed out the fact that flotillas aren’t sailing to Syria doesn’t make it any less valid. Hundreds of Syrians have been slaughtered by the Assad regime that is backed by Iran and Hezbollah terrorists with more being killed by its tacit ISIS allies. The carnage has created millions of refugees who are living in squalor inside the country or in camps in neighboring Jordan. But as Netanyahu knows, there will be no peace activist flotilla to Syria to bring aid to people who really need it. Nor had those on the Swedish-registered Marianne that was diverted by the Israelis gotten lost on their way to help those truly in need. Instead, they were on the way to try and help the Hamas government of Gaza that has been rightly isolated by the international community since the bloody 2007 coup when the Islamist group seized power.

While the situation in Gaza isn’t pleasant, the popular notion of a humanitarian crisis there is a myth. That’s because there is no shortage of food or medicine in the strip since Israel allows daily convoys of such supplies into Gaza every day, including those when Hamas is shooting rockets over the border at cities and towns inside the Jewish state. It is true that there is a shortage of building materials inside Gaza. Given the scale of the destruction wrought by the war Hamas launched against Israel last year, that’s a problem. But the reason why such materials can’t be brought into the strip without restrictions was revealed anew when Hamas showcased a new terror tunnel that it claims reaches into Israel on Iranian TV on Sunday. Most of the concrete that is brought into Gaza is being used for such tunnels or for the construction of elaborate fortifications that will enable Hamas to shield its arsenal and other structures intended to make it harder for Israel to repress rocket fire aimed at civilians.

If Gaza is a mess, it is not because both Israel and Egypt understand that Hamas terrorism must be quarantined. Rather, it is because the international community stood by indifferently as Hamas transformed the congested strip into a terrorist state that believes it has the right to pursue its war on Israel by any means anytime it sees fit. Hamas not only commits war crimes by engaging in terrorism but by using the population of Gaza as human shields behind which its killers and their armaments find shelter.
Those who want to help Gazans need to think of ways to free them from the despotic control of Hamas, which executes its enemies without mercy and represses every kind of free expression as it enforces its ruthless Islamist ideas on the population. The independent Palestinian state in all but name that they govern is an experiment in tyranny that is particularly cruel. Yet somehow those who purport to care about the Palestinians think the real villain is an Israeli government that withdrew every single soldier, settler and settlement in 2005 and simply wishes in vain for quiet along the border.

Activists seek to go to Gaza, however, for one clear reason, and it has nothing to do with humanitarian concerns. Arabs who are engaged in conflicts with other Arabs don’t interest them no matter how many people are killed or how much suffering is caused. Even at the height of the fighting last year when hundreds of Palestinian civilians were unfortunately killed as they were caught in fighting provoked by Hamas, the casualties there were dwarfed by what is going on in Syria. But it is only when Jews are involved in defending their state that the human rights community discovers a crisis.
The double standard this sort of behavior illustrates has nothing to do with good works for a suffering people. It is nothing less than anti-Semitism, since it treats Israeli self-defense as inherently illegitimate and bolsters those who commit atrocities as valid forms of “resistance” against the presence of Jews inside the 1967 lines and not just in the West Bank. Those who seek to aid the efforts of Hamas to wage war on Israel and oppress their own people are not humanitarians. They are anti-Semites.


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by nicko Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:55 am

Well said didge, but for some their ears are blocked to the truth!
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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:27 am

Quite true Nicko, yours are, as a Didge's. You are both apologists for child killers.


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:32 am

Considering its Hamas's actions placing civillians deliberately at risk, I freely condemn them for ensuring children are killed as I am sure Nicko does. What is disgusting is you defend Hamas and never condemn them for making children human shields.
Though that has nothing to do with the fact these so called ships bringing aid are a sham. When Muslims butcher Muslims do we see the same in regards to what we see with Gaza?
No, because we now understand its all about a new left wing extremist movement that hates Jews


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:37 am

Cuchulain wrote:

Considering its Hamas's actions placing civillians deliberately at risk, I freely condemn them for ensuring children are killed as I am sure Nicko does. What is disgusting is you defend Hamas and never condemn them for making children human shields.
Though that has nothing to do with the fact these so called ships bringing aid are a sham. When Muslims butcher Muslims do we see the same in regards to what we see with Gaza?
No, because we now understand its all about a new left wing extremist movement that hates Jews

You can keep on with that old chestnut as long as you like, you know there is no proof for it however much you waffle.

Israel has yet again assaulted people from other countries and committed piracy and the Swedish Government is not going to let it go. It is illegal for Israel to stop boats going to Gaza, but when has Israel worried about whether anything is legal or not. They are a rogue state.


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:41 am

sassy wrote:
Cuchulain wrote:

Considering its Hamas's actions placing civillians deliberately at risk, I freely condemn them for ensuring children are killed as I am sure Nicko does. What is disgusting is you defend Hamas and never condemn them for making children human shields.
Though that has nothing to do with the fact these so called ships bringing aid are a sham. When Muslims butcher Muslims do we see the same in regards to what we see with Gaza?
No, because we now understand its all about a new left wing extremist movement that hates Jews

You can keep on with that old chestnut as long as you like, you know there is no proof for it however much you waffle.

Israel has yet again assaulted people from other countries and committed piracy and the Swedish Government is not going to let it go.   It is illegal for Israel to stop boats going to Gaza, but when has Israel worried about whether anything is legal or not.  They are a rogue state.

But Sassy you prove you do not care about the children of Palestine, if you did, then you would condemn Hamas and yet you never do.
Israel has rightly stooped antisemitism in the form of hypocrites who do nothing for other Muslims who are actually facing a real humanitarian crisis. Gaza gets supplies of food and medicine daily, Syria does not.
Its people like you that are disgusting and should be shamed of yourselves


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:33 pm

A CNN video report about the recent attempt to circumvent the Gaza naval blockade contains a shocking inaccuracy. Towards the end of the segment, correspondent Paula Hancocks says:
A UN Fact Finding Mission concluded in 2011 that the blockade was unlawful, while Israel defends its rights to protect its borders.
This is false. The Palmer Report, commissioned by the UN in 2011, found that the Israeli blockade was in compliance with international law. According to the report:
The fundamental principle of the freedom of navigation on the high seas is subject to only certain limited exceptions under international law. Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza. The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.
The legality of the blockade is a key point for viewers to understand the current situation and this error must be fixed immediately. International Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich, writing in the Washington Post (and Commentary) points out that it’s not just the 2011 Palmer Commission that showed the legality of the blockade. The relative lack of criticism against the blockade today points to an admission that, yes, Israel is within its right to stop and search ships headed for Hamas-controlled Gaza.
Of course, there is another situation in which non-hostile vessels can be stopped on the high seas — blockade running. . . [G]iven Israel’s armed activities certainly do not enjoy a presumption of legality from the international community, this silence comes quite close to an acknowledgement of the legitimacy of the blockade.
CNN must make clear that Israel’s position is legal.


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:18 am


That article you have brought here must be the most ridiculous one you have brought here so far. Who do you think the flotilla would be aiding in Syria? ISIS? Assad? any other rebel group? It certainly would not be under control of any humanitarian group that's for sure and it would be more likey to feed ISIS than anyone else. Which Syrian ports do you think the flotilla should use to unload their cargo of aid?

Your author is a RW neocon Zionist of the highest order and if you believe him that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza and that food is plentiful due to the generosity of Israel then you are even more deluded than I thought you were because all the evidence from humanitarian groups says otherwise.

Your quest to find pro Israeli propaganda deepens by the day as you look to Zionist people like Tobin for proof but all you are doing is becoming a puppet of these people.
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:21 am

Cuchulain wrote:A CNN video report about the recent attempt to circumvent the Gaza naval blockade contains a shocking inaccuracy. Towards the end of the segment, correspondent Paula Hancocks says:
A UN Fact Finding Mission concluded in 2011 that the blockade was unlawful, while Israel defends its rights to protect its borders.
This is false. The Palmer Report, commissioned by the UN in 2011, found that the Israeli blockade was in compliance with international law. According to the report:
The fundamental principle of the freedom of navigation on the high seas is subject to only certain limited exceptions under international law. Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza. The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.
The legality of the blockade is a key point for viewers to understand the current situation and this error must be fixed immediately. International Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich, writing in the Washington Post (and Commentary) points out that it’s not just the 2011 Palmer Commission that showed the legality of the blockade. The relative lack of criticism against the blockade today points to an admission that, yes, Israel is within its right to stop and search ships headed for Hamas-controlled Gaza.
Of course, there is another situation in which non-hostile vessels can be stopped on the high seas — blockade running. . . [G]iven Israel’s armed activities certainly do not enjoy a presumption of legality from the international community, this silence comes quite close to an acknowledgement of the legitimacy of the blockade.
CNN must make clear that Israel’s position is legal.

Where did an international court ever declare the blockade legal?

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:13 am

Irn Bru wrote:@Didge

That article you have brought here must be the most ridiculous one you have brought here so far. Who do you think the flotilla would be aiding in Syria? ISIS? Assad? any other rebel group? It certainly would not be under control of any humanitarian group that's for sure and it would be more likey to feed ISIS than anyone else. Which Syrian ports do you think the flotilla should use to unload their cargo of aid?

Your author is a RW neocon Zionist of the highest order and if you believe him that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza and that food is plentiful due to the generosity of Israel then you are even more deluded than I thought you were because all the evidence from humanitarian groups says otherwise.

Your quest to find pro Israeli propaganda deepens by the day as you look to Zionist people like Tobin for proof but all you are doing is becoming a puppet of these people.

Ye more idiotic claims to zionism.
I think any aid to the countless refugees that are now on the borders of many of the surrounding countries would do for a start Irn, but then you never look at anything without your Jew hatred spectacles on..
So jog on with your hissy fits over zionism, At least they are not an extreme ideology, all they call for is a homeland one within the biblical stories and to defend it. I may not agree with it, but its not like Martyrdom which you find within Islam

So how about a food flotilla for these Syrians who need it more than Gazan's who are not short of any food.

You really are the most gullible idiot alongside sassy, which is communist babble the pair of you have indoctrinated with.


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:14 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Cuchulain wrote:A CNN video report about the recent attempt to circumvent the Gaza naval blockade contains a shocking inaccuracy. Towards the end of the segment, correspondent Paula Hancocks says:

This is false. The Palmer Report, commissioned by the UN in 2011, found that the Israeli blockade was in compliance with international law. According to the report:

The legality of the blockade is a key point for viewers to understand the current situation and this error must be fixed immediately. International Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich, writing in the Washington Post (and Commentary) points out that it’s not just the 2011 Palmer Commission that showed the legality of the blockade. The relative lack of criticism against the blockade today points to an admission that, yes, Israel is within its right to stop and search ships headed for Hamas-controlled Gaza.

CNN must make clear that Israel’s position is legal.

Where did an international court ever declare the blockade legal?

Seems you need to go to specsavers read the above again, as the blockade is in compliance with international law.


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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Irn Bru Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:58 pm

Cuchulain wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:
Cuchulain wrote:A CNN video report about the recent attempt to circumvent the Gaza naval blockade contains a shocking inaccuracy. Towards the end of the segment, correspondent Paula Hancocks says:

This is false. The Palmer Report, commissioned by the UN in 2011, found that the Israeli blockade was in compliance with international law. According to the report:

The legality of the blockade is a key point for viewers to understand the current situation and this error must be fixed immediately. International Law Professor Eugene Kontorovich, writing in the Washington Post (and Commentary) points out that it’s not just the 2011 Palmer Commission that showed the legality of the blockade. The relative lack of criticism against the blockade today points to an admission that, yes, Israel is within its right to stop and search ships headed for Hamas-controlled Gaza.

CNN must make clear that Israel’s position is legal.

Where did an international court ever declare the blockade legal?

Seems you need to go to specsavers read the above again, as the blockade is in compliance with international law.

Say's who? So which international court made that legal ruling?
Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Irn Bru Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:03 am

Cuchulain wrote:
Irn Bru wrote:@Didge

That article you have brought here must be the most ridiculous one you have brought here so far. Who do you think the flotilla would be aiding in Syria? ISIS? Assad? any other rebel group? It certainly would not be under control of any humanitarian group that's for sure and it would be more likey to feed ISIS than anyone else. Which Syrian ports do you think the flotilla should use to unload their cargo of aid?

Your author is a RW neocon Zionist of the highest order and if you believe him that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza and that food is plentiful due to the generosity of Israel then you are even more deluded than I thought you were because all the evidence from humanitarian groups says otherwise.

Your quest to find pro Israeli propaganda deepens by the day as you look to Zionist people like Tobin for proof but all you are doing is becoming a puppet of these people.

Ye more idiotic claims to zionism.
I think any aid to the countless refugees that are now on the borders of many of the surrounding countries would do for a start Irn, but then you never look at anything without your Jew hatred spectacles on..
So jog on with your hissy fits over zionism, At least they are not an extreme ideology, all they call for is a homeland one within the biblical stories and to defend it. I may not agree with it, but its not like Martyrdom which you find within Islam

So how about a food flotilla for these Syrians who need it more than Gazan's who are not short of any food.

You really are the most gullible idiot alongside sassy, which is communist babble the pair of you have indoctrinated with.

I'm perfectly calm and it's you just having one of your 'moments' again.

I specifically asked you where would the flotilla land the aid and who would be respoinsible for distributing it to the right people without it falling into the hands of the very people who shouldn't be getting it? - ISIS.

Humanitarian aid workers have already been murdered by extremists when distributing aid in Syria or hadn't you noticed?

Irn Bru
Irn Bru
The Tartan terror. Keeper of the royal sporran. Chief Haggis Hunter

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 Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria Empty Re: Contentions Why Flotillas Sail to Gaza, Not Syria

Post by Guest Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:58 am

Irn Bru wrote:
Cuchulain wrote:

Ye more idiotic claims to zionism.
I think any aid to the countless refugees that are now on the borders of many of the surrounding countries would do for a start Irn, but then you never look at anything without your Jew hatred spectacles on..
So jog on with your hissy fits over zionism, At least they are not an extreme ideology, all they call for is a homeland one within the biblical stories and to defend it. I may not agree with it, but its not like Martyrdom which you find within Islam

So how about a food flotilla for these Syrians who need it more than Gazan's who are not short of any food.

You really are the most gullible idiot alongside sassy, which is communist babble the pair of you have indoctrinated with.

I'm perfectly calm and it's you just having one of your 'moments' again.

I specifically asked you where would the flotilla land the aid and who would be respoinsible for distributing it to the right people without it falling into the hands of the very people who shouldn't be getting it? - ISIS.

Humanitarian aid workers have already been murdered by extremists when distributing aid in Syria or hadn't you noticed?

Oh so now you give me excuses to my last point for fuck sake.

How are aid workers going to be executed in Lebanon and Jordan where many of the Syrian refugees are you stupid brainless communist dick?

You seriously did not read the article I just posted did you.

You see when I show how easily you are talking out of your arse you just continue to talk even further bullshit.

Where is the Flotilla's for the Syrian refugee's in Lebannon and Jordan dummy?

So even though the Syrians are in a complete desperate situation and the people of Gaza are not, you think the people of Gaza are more important. What a heartless bastard you are Irn.


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