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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Fred Moletrousers
Original Quill
Tommy Monk
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Can a woman have a penis?

Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Vote_lcap25%Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Vote_rcap 25% 
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Vote_lcap75%Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Vote_rcap 75% 
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:46 pm

First topic message reminder :

What a complete numpty!!!


Last edited by Tommy Monk on Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:51 pm

gelico wrote:
Original Quill wrote:

Don't overthink it.  The answer is so obvious that anything more is redundant.  The trick is the team that scores more, wins.  If the trans can score more, one should make every effort to recruit them on one's team.  Or do you want lower scores?

Perhaps...maybe you need a new coach for your team.  Laughing

**don't overthink it**   **use tricks**

hahahahahahahahahaha.  You are the one who has danced about all over the thread in your desperate attempts to avoid the obvious

Generally speaking a biological male is stronger/heavier/taller than a biological woman and therefore  has a physical advantage over them.

try not to overthink that one quill

you can implement all the formulas, strategies, 'tricks' you like to equal things up.  I don't disagree with that but to say that the statement above is an unproven assumption is sheer ignorance.

You're changing the subject.  What I said was:

Original Quill wrote:You are saying that males have an unfair advantage what with “brute force and muscle mass.”  And that is just not true…it’s an “unproven assumption”, that defeats you before you even start.

There are lots of ways around “brute force and muscle mass.”

If the issue was merely that "men are stronger/heavier/taller” is “the trick” to being “stronger/heavier/taller”, then that would be a tautology, and meaningless.  Steph Curry was neither the strongest, heaviest nor tallest player in this year’s basketball finals, yet he won the most valuable player award (MVP).  Apparently, there is something more to the game.

gelico wrote:If it wasn't a fact then biological women wouldn't need to implement strategies, tricks and formulas, now would they?

like I said,,,

try not to overthink it

Now you’re calling Steph Curry a “woman”??  He used the “trick and formula” of the outside shot to defeat the “stronger/heavier/taller” on the other team, and gain the MVP award.  It’s the same thing that the Arizona State University women’s basketball team used.  Steph proved you don’t need to be “stronger”, or “heavier” or “taller”.

Such are myths that women like you use to convince themselves that men are superior in sports.  Those are “self-fulfilling prophecies” that, if you believe them, will come true.  You just don't believe in yourself.

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:56 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:
Original Quill wrote:

Yes I did.  I'll repeat the answer: "Why waste the effort?"  What you don't realize is you're the one proposing a change.  If you don't change anything, what is will still be.

Treat everybody the same, hands off and don't worry about it.  No reason to exclude the trans from any league.  Problem solved...

Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 2190311264

No... You say one thing for the 2 examples I gave of men who think they are something they are not (the cat and Jesus), but then you advocate doing something totally different when it's a man who thinks he's something he's not (a woman)... And you want everyone else to pander to their delusions too!

You can't have it both ways!

Soz tom. I'll repeat the answer: "Why waste the effort?"

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:11 pm

As far as I can see, the effort is only afforderld to those who "think" they are a different sex than what they clearly are genetically and physically... And everybody else in society is being forced/coerced to play along, or else, no matter how far it goes or how ludicrous it becomes...

The question is... Why are these deluded individuals special cases who should receive such special attention and treatment etc, with goalposts moved to accommodate them and everyone else being forced to play along etc...!!!???

Tommy Monk
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:44 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:As far as I can see, the effort is only afforderld to those who "think" they are a different sex than what they clearly are genetically and physically... And everybody else in society is being forced/coerced to play along, or else, no matter how far it goes or how ludicrous it becomes...

That's true of Tories, too: "everybody else in society is being forced/coerced to play along, or else, no matter how far it goes or how ludicrous it becomes..."  They have their policies, and "everybody else in society is being forced/coerced to play along, or else, no matter how far it goes or how ludicrous it becomes..."  It's called politics.

So far, the trans have only signed up for sports, or used public restrooms, etc.  I see nothing abnormal about that.

Tommy Monk wrote:The question is... Why are these  deluded individuals special cases who should receive such special attention and treatment etc, withgoalposts moved to accommodate them and everyone else being forced to play along etc...!!!???

Don't others sign up for sports?  Don't others use public restrooms?  Seems to me they are just going about their business, doing these things.  They are not at all "deluded individuals special cases who should receive such special attention and treatment etc."  They are doing what comes naturally.  It's you who have problems with that.  Smile

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Fri Jul 01, 2022 5:32 pm

Nothing to do with the Tories... And you are in the minority if you don't see anything wrong with men claiming to be women and then demanding to access women only sports competitions and other facilities.

Tommy Monk
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Sat Jul 02, 2022 2:23 am

Tommy Monk wrote:Nothing to do with the Tories...

Don't Tories think they are different?

Tommy Monk wrote:And you are in the minority if you don't see anything wrong with men claiming to be women and then demanding to access women only sports competitions and other facilities.

Nothing wrong with being in the minority. At one point the majority believed the earth was flat, and if you sailed far enough you would fall off.

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:02 am

Police in Toronto, Canada, asked members of the public to help them find a “woman” with short hair, heavy facial hair, and a strong jawline on Thursday.

“She is described as 5’10″, with a thin build, shaggy blonde hair, and a full goatee. She was last seen wearing a black t-shirt and grey pants,” read a Toronto Police Service news release asking the public to help officers locate the “missing woman”, named as Isobella Degrace.

Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Missing-Woman-e1656665648908

Can we have a return to common sense please!?

This shit is getting beyond a joke now!

Tommy Monk
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by gelico Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:29 am

Tommy Monk wrote:

Police in Toronto, Canada, asked members of the public to help them find a “woman” with short hair, heavy facial hair, and a strong jawline on Thursday.

“She is described as 5’10″, with a thin build, shaggy blonde hair, and a full goatee. She was last seen wearing a black t-shirt and grey pants,” read a Toronto Police Service news release asking the public to help officers locate the “missing woman”, named as Isobella Degrace.

This shit is getting beyond a joke now!

Shouild read ''Isabellend *Disgrace*

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:39 am


Very funny!

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:22 pm

Tommy Monk wrote:Very funny!

Yes, I suppose now that Breitbart's editor-in-chief has been indicted there's a bit of an echo 'round there.  Bored?  Waiting around...twiddling thumbs?  Try reading up on exfoliation:

Cindy Crawford wrote:3 Signs You're Not Exfoliating Enough If You're Over 40

Exfoliating is an essential step in any skincare routine. It sloughs off dead skin cells and unclogs pores while leaving your skin fresh and glowy. You could be using the nicest skincare products in the world, but if you're not exfoliating on the regular, those fancy serums and creams might not be living up to their potential because you've got a lot of dead skin cell buildup.


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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by gelico Mon Jul 04, 2022 6:47 pm

Off topic, but does anyone have the slightest idea what's happened to ben and eddie? not to mention the others?

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:21 pm

gelico wrote:Off topic, but does anyone have the slightest idea what's happened to ben and eddie?  not to mention the others?

Might as well wander off. As Syl says - in lighter terms - this thread has turned in to kluster-fuk.

Ben and Eds seem to be on vacation. Everyone has a schedule as to when they check-in, they seem to have spread out the occasions.

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Fred Moletrousers Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:25 pm

I am here in diverse and, on increasingly rare occasions as dictated by my deteriorating health, increasing years and progressive inability to concentrate on one issue for more than the odd nano-second or two…

Irascible, grumpy, intolerant and a pain the the ass? ….yes, I do not deny all.

But if the board includes an issue that raises my ire, I’ll be back in here like a….well, utter and complete pain in the ass as has been my privilege and wont for many a year.
Fred Moletrousers
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:31 pm

Moley you absolute fukkin legend!!!

Glad to see a post from you so as to know you are fit and well!!!

And long may this continue!!!


Tommy Monk
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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Original Quill Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:03 am

Good to see you Fred. Wb, as always...

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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by gelico Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:46 am

Fred Moletrousers wrote:I am here in diverse and, on increasingly rare occasions as dictated by my deteriorating health, increasing years and progressive  inability to concentrate on one issue for more than the odd nano-second or two…

Irascible, grumpy, intolerant and a pain the the ass? ….yes, I do not deny all.

But if the board includes an issue that raises my ire, I’ll be back in here like a….well, utter and complete pain in the ass as has been my privilege and wont for many a year.

Oh Fred, it's great to see you on here

Please list your top 5 ire raising issues and I shall make sure the board is full of 'em


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Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not... - Page 8 Empty Re: Labour leader Keir Stammer can't answer the simple question of whether a woman has a penis or not...

Post by Tommy Monk Mon Jul 11, 2022 3:58 am

The BBC has hired non-binary inclusion consultants to teach staff there are at least 150 different genders.

Doctor Who’s Time Lord regenerated so much he became a she, and EastEnders sermonises so much about sexism it’s down to its last 27 viewers.

A couple of years ago the Beeb considered banning the “colonial” song Rule, Britannia! from Last Night Of The Proms, and last week Aunty used the phrase “pregnant people” in its coverage of the (appalling) US ruling against abortions.

Most recently, the BBC has hired non-binary inclusion consultants to teach staff there are at least 150 different genders.

Employees are being urged to declare their pronouns on emails with a list which has expanded to include newly invented ones such as “xe, xem, xyrs.”. Really.

Oh dear...!

BBC sex education programme tells 9-year-olds there are 'over 100 genders' and shows kids talking to adults about 'bi-gender', 'genderqueer' and 'pansexual' identities

The film, 'Identity – Understanding Sexual and Gender Identities', is being offered on the corporation's website as part of its relationships and sex education package.

It comes despite Government guidance published last year which advised schools to exercise caution when teaching children about gender issues.

The film also tells children that becoming transgender is a way to be 'happy' while making no mention of the growing legal and medical concerns about the rising number of children saying they want to change gender.

What the fuk is wrong with these people!!!???

Leave those kids alone you fukking deranged perverts!!!

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