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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Tommy Monk
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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by HoratioTarr Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:08 pm

First topic message reminder :

A teacher has been suspended and could face the sack after he ‘accidentally’ called a transgender pupil a ‘girl’ in class when the student identifies as a boy.
Joshua Sutcliffe, 27, who teaches maths at a state secondary school in Oxfordshire, said ‘Well done girls’ to the teenager and a friend when he spotted them working hard. 
He apologised when corrected by the pupil, but six weeks later he was suspended from teaching after the pupil’s mother lodged a complaint.
Following an investigation, he has been summoned to a formal disciplinary hearing this week to face misconduct charges for ‘misgendering’.

According to documents seen by The Mail on Sunday, he also faces claims that he is breaching equality policies by referring to the pupil by name rather than as ‘he’ or ‘him’.
The £30,000-a-year teacher said he was ‘distraught’ and had been reduced to tears as teaching was his life, and he branded the actions of the school as ‘political correctness gone mad’.
Mr Sutcliffe, a maths graduate who gained his teaching qualifications at Exeter University, said he had no official instructions about how to address the student, but along with other staff decided to use the pupil’s chosen first name. 
However, he has admitted that, as a Christian, he avoided using male pronouns such as ‘he’ and ‘him’.
He believed this was consistent with the school’s code of conduct and equality policies to show respect and tolerance, and he said he had encountered no problems with this.

He was told to come to the school and sit in the staff room preparing work, but he was not allowed to discuss the situation with colleagues. He said he thought no more about the incident until the week before last when, after a parents’ evening, he was unexpectedly called to the head’s office to be told there had been a ‘transgender complaint’ against him and that he was suspended from teaching while it was investigated.

He later discovered that the pupil’s family had claimed he had not only ‘misgendered’ the pupil but had unfairly given the pupil a disproportionate number of detentions for poor behaviour, though this later claim was not upheld during the investigation.
It is understood that the family’s main concern was that Mr Sutcliffe was picking on their child and they would not have complained about misgendering on its own as they are supporters of free speech.

Mr Sutcliffe said: ‘I was absolutely shocked to be told by the head that I was under investigation. I didn’t know what was happening. It was surreal, Kafkaesque. 

'I said it was only one incident for which I had apologised, but he insisted the investigation would go ahead.
‘I had always tried to respect the pupil and keep a professional attitude as well as my integrity, but it seemed to me that the school was trying to force me to adhere to its liberal, Leftish agenda.’

Mr Sutcliffe assumed the investigation would be brief and he would soon be back in the classroom, but he was questioned for an hour on the day after the meeting with the head and again last Monday, and was then sent a letter telling him to attend a formal disciplinary hearing this Wednesday, attended by the head and three governors.

He said: ‘I have never been trained to deal with this sort of thing. I felt completely out of my depth and intimidated.’
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Fred Moletrousers Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:30 pm

gelico wrote:
Jules wrote:

Of course it is!
I called BS on this story the minute I read it, yesterday.
Gelico, calm down, you're doing your nut over a story that was a big fat lie.

NO WAY would a teacher be sacked for just one genuine  mistake for which he had apologised. As if!!

Reminds me of the story of that supposedly christian girl who was being fostered by a Muslim family. People burst their ulcers in outrage over that story, before the full truth came out, 48 hours later.

There is always more to these sensationalist headlines, than meets the eye.

LOL, i'm often doing my nut over something or other

i still think this is wrong to recognise this in children as a fact though.

if martha wants to be arthur or bob wants to be barbara i have absolutely no issue with that AS ADULTS

but i think it's nothing less than child abuse to be honest that this is being taken seriously when any child suggests it.  it's like the latest fad

when i was 9-10 i wanted to be a boy called george.  why?  cos i had two older brothers and i read too many famous five books, that's why

even as teenagers, in fact, especially as teenagers they cannot be sure but to give kids hormone blockers et al is absolutely disgusting in my book

if they still feel the same as fully grown adults then good luck to them say, let them be who they want

tell you what though, when i was a kid at school if one of us corrected the teacher in anyway whatsoever we'd get the blackboard rubber chucked at us likely as not


Ah, the memories...A.S.Matthews, history master at my alma mater, Holgate School...a former major in the Royal Artilliery whose aim was always devastatingly accurate. His blackboard rubber once caught me behind the ear and I experienced ringing noises for a week afterwards! The bells, the bells........
Fred Moletrousers
Fred Moletrousers

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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Vintage Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:51 pm

Thanks for the memories, it didn't happen much to the girls, we just got shouted at very loudly, the boys got the board rubber, if the teacher was walking the rows, a fist might slam down on the desk in front of you or if a female teacher,, a large ruler would do the job, the boys got their ears flicked from behind.
One woman teacher, when in charge of the dinner sessions used to use a large serving spoon to bang on a table to get our attention, she used quite a bit of force but the spoons were very durable in those days, one day one of the boys moved a bowl full of custard right where she was aiming, the result was a fantastic expolsion of custard all over her, including her very buffont hair, it hardly any hit anyone else, boy was she furious, especially as the entire canteen burst into laughter, including the dinner ladies. The boy continued to plead that it was an accident when called to the headmaster.

Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:03 pm

Vintage wrote:Thanks for the memories, it didn't happen much to the girls, we just got shouted at very loudly, the boys got the board rubber, if the teacher was walking the rows, a fist might slam down on the desk in front of you or if a female teacher,, a large ruler would do the job, the boys got their ears flicked from behind.

i agree, girls very rarely had stuff chucked at them. the boys did though quite often, and the other stuff you mentioned.

One woman teacher, when in charge of the dinner sessions used to use a large serving spoon to bang on a table to get our attention, she used quite a bit of force but the spoons were very durable in those days, one day one of the boys moved a bowl full of custard right where she was aiming, the result was a fantastic expolsion of custard all over her, including her very buffont hair, it hardly any hit anyone else, boy was she furious, especially as the entire canteen burst into laughter, including the dinner ladies. The boy continued to plead that it was an accident when called to the headmaster.

OMG! That was so funny

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3489511464

both my boys would have totally done that,,,,,,as would their father before them

Twisted Evil


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:04 pm

Fred Moletrousers wrote:
gelico wrote:

LOL, i'm often doing my nut over something or other

i still think this is wrong to recognise this in children as a fact though.

if martha wants to be arthur or bob wants to be barbara i have absolutely no issue with that AS ADULTS

but i think it's nothing less than child abuse to be honest that this is being taken seriously when any child suggests it.  it's like the latest fad

when i was 9-10 i wanted to be a boy called george.  why?  cos i had two older brothers and i read too many famous five books, that's why

even as teenagers, in fact, especially as teenagers they cannot be sure but to give kids hormone blockers et al is absolutely disgusting in my book

if they still feel the same as fully grown adults then good luck to them say, let them be who they want

tell you what though, when i was a kid at school if one of us corrected the teacher in anyway whatsoever we'd get the blackboard rubber chucked at us likely as not


Ah, the memories...A.S.Matthews, history master at my alma mater, Holgate School...a former major in the Royal Artilliery whose aim was always devastatingly accurate. His blackboard rubber once caught me behind the ear and I experienced ringing noises for a week afterwards! The bells, the bells........


how times have changed


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:11 pm

Vintage wrote:Thanks for the memories, it didn't happen much to the girls, we just got shouted at very loudly, the boys got the board rubber, if the teacher was walking the rows, a fist might slam down on the desk in front of you or if a female teacher,, a large ruler would do the job, the boys got their ears flicked from behind.
One woman teacher, when in charge of the dinner sessions used to use a large serving spoon to bang on a table to get our attention, she used quite a bit of force but the spoons were very durable in those days, one day one of the boys moved a bowl full of custard right where she was aiming, the result was a fantastic expolsion of custard all over her, including her very buffont hair, it hardly any hit anyone else, boy was she furious, especially as the entire canteen burst into laughter, including the dinner ladies. The boy continued to plead that it was an accident when called to the headmaster.

in our dinner hall, where we actually had cooks in who did massive big pies and stews and proper veg and mash and stuff, we had certain choices and there was always salad as well. we all had glasses for water to go with it and that was that.

if things got a little bit noisy in the queuing line one particular dinner lady always screeched out like a crow ''FINGERS ON LIPS, FINGERS ON LIPS, FINGERS ON LIPS I SAY, NO ONE WILL EAT THEIR DINNER UNTIL I SEE FINGERS ON LIPS''

one kid looked really puzzled and said very loudly ''well, that's weird,,,,if we've got fingers on lips then how can we eat our dinner anyway?''

much laughter and a clip round the ear for him

oh, happy days


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:24 pm

gelico wrote:
Jules wrote:

Of course it is!
I called BS on this story the minute I read it, yesterday.
Gelico, calm down, you're doing your nut over a story that was a big fat lie.

NO WAY would a teacher be sacked for just one genuine  mistake for which he had apologised. As if!!

Reminds me of the story of that supposedly christian girl who was being fostered by a Muslim family. People burst their ulcers in outrage over that story, before the full truth came out, 48 hours later.

There is always more to these sensationalist headlines, than meets the eye.

LOL, i'm often doing my nut over something or other

i still think this is wrong to recognise this in children as a fact though.

if martha wants to be arthur or bob wants to be barbara i have absolutely no issue with that AS ADULTS

but i think it's nothing less than child abuse to be honest that this is being taken seriously when any child suggests it.  it's like the latest fad

when i was 9-10 i wanted to be a boy called george.  why?  cos i had two older brothers and i read too many famous five books, that's why

even as teenagers, in fact, especially as teenagers they cannot be sure but to give kids hormone blockers et al is absolutely disgusting in my book

if they still feel the same as fully grown adults then good luck to them say, let them be who they want

tell you what though, when i was a kid at school if one of us corrected the teacher in anyway whatsoever we'd get the blackboard rubber chucked at us likely as not


Its not child abuse Gelico, to understand if a child may have gender dysphoria.

That is absurd to think it is child abuse just respecting what someone wants to be reffered to.

Lets take a reality check here

Its not right to encourage but support and understand, that a child maybe does have gender dysphoria.

So that means also respecting how the child wishes to be referred to. That is not going to harm anyone and not bring about the use of hormone blockers and any parent or teacher that encourages such use of Hormone blockers would be considered negligent and agree that would be child abuse.

Referring to a child that wants to be classed as a he instead of a she is not child abuse. Nor would it be if they wanted to be called George instead of the name they were born with, would it? Nor would this not stop them finding out who they are over time, would it?

Lets face it, what is happenning in this situation is more about Christian beliefs, than it is of a child that may have gender dysphoria. A teacher is trying to use his beliefs to not respect the child who could have gender dysphoria and is doing this based off a belief that gender dysphoria does not exist.

So why are you defending that?

Last edited by Didge on Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:31 pm

gelico wrote:

We considering there is only one human race, this person clearly is an idiot.

However gender dysphoria does exist and there is male and female genders.

So to compare the two is very stupid.

As you must be claiming gender dysphoria does not exist, correct?


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:52 pm

Didge wrote:
gelico wrote:

We considering there is only one human race, this person clearly is an idiot.

However gender dysphoria does exist and there is male and female genders.

So to compare the two is very stupid.

As you must be claiming gender dysphoria does not exist, correct?


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:55 pm

gelico wrote:
Didge wrote:

We considering there is only one human race, this person clearly is an idiot.

However gender dysphoria does exist and there is male and female genders.

So to compare the two is very stupid.

As you must be claiming gender dysphoria does not exist, correct?

How is that answering my questions or disagreeing with what I have said?

What did I say about being against encouraging children to use hormone replacements?

What did I say about referring to what a child identifies their gender as?

Can you not answer for yourself?

It seems to me you clearly do not think gender dysphoria exists.

Is that what you are saying.??

Now did you need or want hormone replacements because I bet people did refer to you as George?


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:57 pm

Didge wrote:
gelico wrote:

LOL, i'm often doing my nut over something or other

i still think this is wrong to recognise this in children as a fact though.

if martha wants to be arthur or bob wants to be barbara i have absolutely no issue with that AS ADULTS

but i think it's nothing less than child abuse to be honest that this is being taken seriously when any child suggests it.  it's like the latest fad

when i was 9-10 i wanted to be a boy called george.  why?  cos i had two older brothers and i read too many famous five books, that's why

even as teenagers, in fact, especially as teenagers they cannot be sure but to give kids hormone blockers et al is absolutely disgusting in my book

if they still feel the same as fully grown adults then good luck to them say, let them be who they want

tell you what though, when i was a kid at school if one of us corrected the teacher in anyway whatsoever we'd get the blackboard rubber chucked at us likely as not


Its not child abuse Gelico, to understand if a child may have gender dysphoria.

That is absurd to think it is child abuse just respecting what someone wants to be reffered to.

Lets take a reality check here

Its not right to encourage but support and understand, that a child maybe does have gender dysphoria.

So that means also respecting how the child wishes to be referred to. That is not going to harm anyone and not bring about the use of hormone blockers and any parent or teacher that encourages such use of Hormone blockers would be considered negligent and agree that would be child abuse.

Referring to a child that wants to be classed as a he instead of a she is not child abuse. Nor would it be if they wanted to be called George instead of the name they were born with, would it? Nor would this not stop them finding out who they are over time, would it?

Lets face it, what is happenning in this situation is more about Christian beliefs, than it is of a child that may have gender dysphoria. A teacher is trying to use his beliefs to not respect the child who could have gender dysphoria and is doing this based off a belief that gender dysphoria does not exist.

So why are you defending that?


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by HoratioTarr Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:28 pm

Eilzel wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

Another question for you.    How many of those transgender people in tourist areas are choosing to be transgender in order to make a living?

I've no idea but hardly the majority. I know two Thai trans people very well and neither of them do it to make a living.

But you can't deny that Thai transsexuals do make a living from it? 

This from an interview with a Thai transgender campaigner for transgender rights.

Discrimination remains
Tolerance, said Suttirat, is not the same thing as acceptance.
Despite their high profile in Thailand, transsexuals complain that they are still stereotyped - they can find work easily enough as entertainers, in the beauty industry, the media, or as prostitutes, but it is much harder to become a transgender lawyer or investment banker.
And their biggest complaint is that they cannot change their legal status.
Despite a proposal during the drafting of a new constitution last year, to allow them to change the gender on their identity cards, this has not yet been approved.

BANGKOK – Warat “Bai Thong” Tanasanti was a brilliant student who dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Her dreams came to a screeching halt, however, when she realized that this wasn’t possible.
The reason for the 24-year old’s struggle has nothing to do with her qualifications or with Thailand’s employment rate. Rather, the reason for her struggle has everything to do with how she chooses to identify—as a transgender woman.
Tanasanti, a junior lawyer for Kamthorn Surachet & Somsak, cannot achieve her goal of becoming a prosecutor because she refuses to wear the uniform that aligns with her born-male sex. Cross-dressing in Thai Court is a crime worthy of probation, she explained, because it “mocks” the sanctity of the Judge.
“If I have to attend the Court, it’s necessary [for me] to wear a male uniform,” she said in between sips of her blended coffee drink. “But, that’s not me.”
Tanasanti’s story, however, is not unique. Transgender individuals in Thailand—an overt population—have become cultural staples in the conservative Southeast Asian country of about 67 million people. Though it is difficult to find reliable numbers on the exact prevalence of the community, the International Journal of Transgenderism says numbers can be as high as 1 in 180, or as low as 1 in 3,000.
Visibility doesn’t always align with formal acceptance, though. On a surface level, Thailand appears to be accepting of its transgender community—especially when compared to its neighbors. There are rarely any instances of hate violence and there’s a myriad of hospital facilities to undergo sex-reassignment surgery. But, the stories of Tanasanti, and others, challenge this notion—suggesting that kathoeys (“lady boys”) cannot obtain jobs in formal society.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by HoratioTarr Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:31 pm

Jules wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
so the OP is basically Bullshit and this is some religotard trying to force his views on others (A.k.a what people are accusing PC of doing) the fucking irony.... I hope all the above poster that took a bash at PC now take a bash at this guy since he did the same except for entirely self-centered reasons Cool Cool Cool Cool

Of course it is!
I called BS on this story the minute I read it, yesterday.
Gelico, calm down, you're doing your nut over a story that was a big fat lie.

NO WAY would a teacher be sacked for just one genuine  mistake for which he had apologised. As if!!

Reminds me of the story of that supposedly christian girl who was being fostered by a Muslim family. People burst their ulcers in outrage over that story, before the full truth came out, 48 hours later.

There is always more to these sensationalist headlines, than meets the eye.

He wasn't sacked.
Forum Detective ????‍♀️

Posts : 10037
Join date : 2014-01-12

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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:59 pm

Didge wrote:
gelico wrote:

How is that answering my questions or disagreeing with what I have said?

What did I say about being against encouraging children to use hormone replacements?

What did I say about referring to what a child identifies their gender as?

Can you not answer for yourself?

It seems to me you clearly do not think gender dysphoria exists.

Is that what you are saying.??

Now did you need or want hormone replacements because I bet people did refer to you as George?

that just cracked me up tbh

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3489511464

that kid in the video had spent his life wanting to be a girl, he got wrongly diagnosed, took hormone replacement and then two years later regretted it and wanted to be a boy again, by which time he has a high pitched voice and tits

my point is that as per the discussion on the other link, children go through many phases, children are also incredibly impressionable. children also go through many doubts, fears, anxieties, insecurities, feeling like the odd one out, as eddie said, but for hundreds of different reasons, gender being but one of them.

doctors need to take that into account - it seems to be very common so the sensible approach would be to let the child be aware that it is indeed very common to be confused about your gender and that it's nothing to worry about and that the natural growth and progression of the body will sort it out so that if they still feel exactly the same way as a fully grown adult, then they can transition (if they still want to)

i think too much is made of this in that EVERY case is assumed to be true transgender whereas i would say that only a small minority really are


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:17 am

gelico wrote:
Didge wrote:

How is that answering my questions or disagreeing with what I have said?

What did I say about being against encouraging children to use hormone replacements?

What did I say about referring to what a child identifies their gender as?

Can you not answer for yourself?

It seems to me you clearly do not think gender dysphoria exists.

Is that what you are saying.??

Now did you need or want hormone replacements because I bet people did refer to you as George?

that just cracked me up tbh

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3489511464

that kid in the video had spent his life wanting to be a girl, he got wrongly diagnosed, took hormone replacement and then two years later regretted it and wanted to be a boy again, by which time he has a high pitched voice and tits
Didge wrote:Which means he was wrongly encouraged to do so to take hormone replacements.
Are you suggesting referring to a person by a name is not going to allow a person over time to find out who they are?

my point is that as per the discussion on the other link, children go through many phases, children are also incredibly impressionable.  children also go through many doubts, fears, anxieties, insecurities, feeling like the odd one out, as eddie said, but for hundreds of different reasons, gender being but one of them.
Didge wrote:Oh here we go, so impressionable? To the point supporting someone will make them make the wrong decisions, will it?

Again as stated on another thread many grow out of this and as stated already nobody should encourage children to take hormone replacments but go through the possibilities of what might be happenning. That is it good be gender dysphoria, they could be gay, bi-sexual or that its just a phase
doctors need to take that into account - it seems to be very common so the sensible approach would be to let the child be aware that it is indeed very common to be confused about your gender and that it's nothing to worry about and that the natural growth and progression of the body will sort it out so that if they still feel exactly the same way as a fully grown adult, then they can transition (if they still want to)
Didge wrote:
How man times do I have to say a child should not be encourage to take hormone replacements.

You are doing the most incredible attempt at emulating Houdini, trying to escape out of a very piss poor claim, that referring to a gender a child wants to be referred to, is to you Child abuse.

That is just plain stupid Gelico and you are trying to go off where some children have been wrongly encourage to try and justify claiming that respecting the wish of a child is wrong based off this.

Thus you clearly must view that respecting and supporting the gender they choose is thus wrong. When as seen countless children grow out of this, realize they are gay or do have gender dysphoria

i think too much is made of this in that EVERY case is assumed to be true transgender whereas i would say that only a small minority really are

I think you are trying to get out of what you originally said where also this is a teacher who is not setting a good example and deliberately chose to disprespect the child based off his religious beliefs. Now if he wants to do that in his own time, good luck to the bigot, but he is a teacher.

So considering you have posted videos and argued on something I also agree is wrong on encouraging hormone replacement, shows you are avoding the main poor points you originally made. Or you stand by some dumb view that respecting a child wanting to be reffered to the gender they feel they are is harmful to you.


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Eilzel Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:21 am

HoratioTarr wrote:
Eilzel wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

Another question for you.    How many of those transgender people in tourist areas are choosing to be transgender in order to make a living?

I've no idea but hardly the majority. I know two Thai trans people very well and neither of them do it to make a living.

But you can't deny that Thai transsexuals do make a living from it? 

This from an interview with a Thai transgender campaigner for transgender rights.

Discrimination remains
Tolerance, said Suttirat, is not the same thing as acceptance.
Despite their high profile in Thailand, transsexuals complain that they are still stereotyped - they can find work easily enough as entertainers, in the beauty industry, the media, or as prostitutes, but it is much harder to become a transgender lawyer or investment banker.
And their biggest complaint is that they cannot change their legal status.
Despite a proposal during the drafting of a new constitution last year, to allow them to change the gender on their identity cards, this has not yet been approved.

BANGKOK – Warat “Bai Thong” Tanasanti was a brilliant student who dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Her dreams came to a screeching halt, however, when she realized that this wasn’t possible.
The reason for the 24-year old’s struggle has nothing to do with her qualifications or with Thailand’s employment rate. Rather, the reason for her struggle has everything to do with how she chooses to identify—as a transgender woman.
Tanasanti, a junior lawyer for Kamthorn Surachet & Somsak, cannot achieve her goal of becoming a prosecutor because she refuses to wear the uniform that aligns with her born-male sex. Cross-dressing in Thai Court is a crime worthy of probation, she explained, because it “mocks” the sanctity of the Judge.
“If I have to attend the Court, it’s necessary [for me] to wear a male uniform,” she said in between sips of her blended coffee drink. “But, that’s not me.”
Tanasanti’s story, however, is not unique. Transgender individuals in Thailand—an overt population—have become cultural staples in the conservative Southeast Asian country of about 67 million people. Though it is difficult to find reliable numbers on the exact prevalence of the community, the International Journal of Transgenderism says numbers can be as high as 1 in 180, or as low as 1 in 3,000.
Visibility doesn’t always align with formal acceptance, though. On a surface level, Thailand appears to be accepting of its transgender community—especially when compared to its neighbors. There are rarely any instances of hate violence and there’s a myriad of hospital facilities to undergo sex-reassignment surgery. But, the stories of Tanasanti, and others, challenge this notion—suggesting that kathoeys (“lady boys”) cannot obtain jobs in formal society.

Some trans people do, not all, not most. Your own quote makes it clear many want normal jobs but can't get them. I know those I know would be more than offended if told their trans change was done for financial reasons. Some make a living off it, for those who do however many of them do so simply because, as your quote points out, they are unable to find decent work.
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Post by HoratioTarr Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:24 am

Eilzel wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

But you can't deny that Thai transsexuals do make a living from it? 

This from an interview with a Thai transgender campaigner for transgender rights.

Discrimination remains
Tolerance, said Suttirat, is not the same thing as acceptance.
Despite their high profile in Thailand, transsexuals complain that they are still stereotyped - they can find work easily enough as entertainers, in the beauty industry, the media, or as prostitutes, but it is much harder to become a transgender lawyer or investment banker.
And their biggest complaint is that they cannot change their legal status.
Despite a proposal during the drafting of a new constitution last year, to allow them to change the gender on their identity cards, this has not yet been approved.

BANGKOK – Warat “Bai Thong” Tanasanti was a brilliant student who dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Her dreams came to a screeching halt, however, when she realized that this wasn’t possible.
The reason for the 24-year old’s struggle has nothing to do with her qualifications or with Thailand’s employment rate. Rather, the reason for her struggle has everything to do with how she chooses to identify—as a transgender woman.
Tanasanti, a junior lawyer for Kamthorn Surachet & Somsak, cannot achieve her goal of becoming a prosecutor because she refuses to wear the uniform that aligns with her born-male sex. Cross-dressing in Thai Court is a crime worthy of probation, she explained, because it “mocks” the sanctity of the Judge.
“If I have to attend the Court, it’s necessary [for me] to wear a male uniform,” she said in between sips of her blended coffee drink. “But, that’s not me.”
Tanasanti’s story, however, is not unique. Transgender individuals in Thailand—an overt population—have become cultural staples in the conservative Southeast Asian country of about 67 million people. Though it is difficult to find reliable numbers on the exact prevalence of the community, the International Journal of Transgenderism says numbers can be as high as 1 in 180, or as low as 1 in 3,000.
Visibility doesn’t always align with formal acceptance, though. On a surface level, Thailand appears to be accepting of its transgender community—especially when compared to its neighbors. There are rarely any instances of hate violence and there’s a myriad of hospital facilities to undergo sex-reassignment surgery. But, the stories of Tanasanti, and others, challenge this notion—suggesting that kathoeys (“lady boys”) cannot obtain jobs in formal society.

Some trans people do, not all, not most. Your own quote makes it clear many want normal jobs but can't get them. I know those I know would be more than offended if told their trans change was done for financial reasons. Some make a living off it, for those who do however many of them do so simply because, as your quote points out, they are unable to find decent work.

Yes, I get that.
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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:34 am

Didge wrote:
gelico wrote:

that just cracked me up tbh

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3489511464

that kid in the video had spent his life wanting to be a girl, he got wrongly diagnosed, took hormone replacement and then two years later regretted it and wanted to be a boy again, by which time he has a high pitched voice and tits

my point is that as per the discussion on the other link, children go through many phases, children are also incredibly impressionable.  children also go through many doubts, fears, anxieties, insecurities, feeling like the odd one out, as eddie said, but for hundreds of different reasons, gender being but one of them.

doctors need to take that into account - it seems to be very common so the sensible approach would be to let the child be aware that it is indeed very common to be confused about your gender and that it's nothing to worry about and that the natural growth and progression of the body will sort it out so that if they still feel exactly the same way as a fully grown adult, then they can transition (if they still want to)

i think too much is made of this in that EVERY case is assumed to be true transgender whereas i would say that only a small minority really are

I think you are trying to get out of what you originally said where also this is a teacher who is not setting a good example and deliberately chose to disprespect the child based off his religious beliefs. Now if he wants to do that in his own time, good luck to the bigot, but he is a teacher.

So considering you have posted videos and argued on something I also agree is wrong on encouraging hormone replacement, shows you are avoding the main poor points you originally made. Or you stand by some dumb view that respecting a child wanting to be reffered to the gender they feel they are is harmful to you.

the post i made that you replied to didnt even mention the teacher it was all about the kids actually

when i said not to take it seriously i didn't mean to take the piss FFS! of course support them, of course understand them, what i'm saying is that kids doubt shitloads in their life so why wouldnt they doubt their gender (while they're still developing). i also said make the kid fully aware that it is a common thing so they dont feel like some kind of freak.

it was the hormone blockers and interfering of authorities by assuming that every child KNOWS exactly what they are in life when clearly they do not.

this should be a procedure only for adults not kids,,,,,that to my mind IS abuse. that's my opinion

as for the teacher in question - he's there to teach his particular subject not pander to every fucking whim of the kids


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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:41 am

gelico wrote:
Didge wrote:

I think you are trying to get out of what you originally said where also this is a teacher who is not setting a good example and deliberately chose to disprespect the child based off his religious beliefs. Now if he wants to do that in his own time, good luck to the bigot, but he is a teacher.

So considering you have posted videos and argued on something I also agree is wrong on encouraging hormone replacement, shows you are avoding the main poor points you originally made. Or you stand by some dumb view that respecting a child wanting to be reffered to the gender they feel they are is harmful to you.

the post i made that you replied to didnt even mention the teacher it was all about the kids actually

when i said not to take it seriously i didn't mean to take the piss FFS!  of course support them, of course understand them, what i'm saying is that kids doubt shitloads in their life so why wouldnt they doubt their gender (while they're still developing).  i also said make the kid fully aware that it is a common thing so they dont feel like some kind of freak.

it was the hormone blockers and interfering of authorities by assuming that every child KNOWS exactly what they are in life when clearly they do not.

this should be a procedure only for adults not kids,,,,,that to my mind IS abuse.  that's my opinion

as for the teacher in question - he's there to teach his particular subject not pander to every fucking whim of the kids

Well that was not what you said before, you said it was child abuse.

You said it was a fad, well guess what, in some its not a fad, so you are saying we should ignore the fact some do have gender dysphoria.??

So how is respecting the gender of this child in this article wrong to do so? As long as they are not encouraged to take hormone replacements before they are adults?

Again you misdirect.

How many times do i need to say a child should not be encouraged to take hormone replacements and in fact should be discouraged until they are adults and thus know by then they have gender dysphoria.

So you do support the bigotry of the teacher by your last view, as you must take the view, that its impossible for this child to have gender dysphoria.??

You claimed earlier they should have support and understand them in your post and, now end saying its pandering.

Wow, so which is it gelico?


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Post by veya_victaous Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:35 am

Jules wrote:Veya, Christians are NOT religotards. snobby

yes they are tongue tongue tongue tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment snobby

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:58 am

I'm officially identifying as a black single mother with 8 kids.

Give me welfare now.


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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:12 am

smelly-bandit wrote:I'm officially identifying as a black single mother with 8 kids.

Give me welfare now.

Good luck with that Sharon.


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Post by SEXY MAMA Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:35 am

veya_victaous wrote:
Jules wrote:Veya, Christians are NOT religotards. snobby

yes they are  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment  snobby

Thats YOUR opinion though.

You know where you can stuff it I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 2347854014
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Post by Eilzel Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:25 pm

To be fair Sexy, even if one branch of one religion was true, it could only be one of them. By default all but one are untrue, the only question then is which, if any, is right Wink
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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:39 pm

Eilzel wrote:To be fair Sexy, even if one branch of one religion was true, it could only be one of them. By default all but one are untrue, the only question then is which, if any, is right Wink

How can Judaism be untrue if it's the first one?? Things that are original can't be wrong

Christianity branches off from Judaism and runs parallel but not in competition and indeed contains the torah as part of its history

Islam is the last in line and has nothing new to offer, it plagerises the first two and makes a hash of it

From getting the name of jesus incorrect to stating that the gospels were sent to jesus while he lived (when everyone knows they were written after his death)

The last in line is the only one with glaring errors


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Post by Victorismyhero Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:45 pm

judaism isnt the "first"

there are many older religions, some of which are still practiced by large numbers of followers

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Post by JulesV Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:24 pm

HoratioTarr wrote:
Jules wrote:

Of course it is!
I called BS on this story the minute I read it, yesterday.
Gelico, calm down, you're doing your nut over a story that was a big fat lie.

NO WAY would a teacher be sacked for just one genuine  mistake for which he had apologised. As if!!

Reminds me of the story of that supposedly christian girl who was being fostered by a Muslim family. People burst their ulcers in outrage over that story, before the full truth came out, 48 hours later.

There is always more to these sensationalist headlines, than meets the eye.

He wasn't sacked.
But his sacking was touted as a distinct possibility in your title and also in the very first line of your OP.
I don't see a happy ending here. I predict he'll walk away eventually.

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:32 pm

Jules wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

He wasn't sacked.
But his sacking was touted as a distinct possibility in your title and also in the very first line of your OP.
I don't see a happy ending here. I predict he'll walk away eventually.

And why not??

Would you want to continue to work in such a mad house??

I wouldn't


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Post by JulesV Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:41 pm

gelico wrote:
Jules wrote:

Of course it is!
I called BS on this story the minute I read it, yesterday.
Gelico, calm down, you're doing your nut over a story that was a big fat lie.

NO WAY would a teacher be sacked for just one genuine  mistake for which he had apologised. As if!!

Reminds me of the story of that supposedly christian girl who was being fostered by a Muslim family. People burst their ulcers in outrage over that story, before the full truth came out, 48 hours later.

There is always more to these sensationalist headlines, than meets the eye.

LOL, i'm often doing my nut over something or other

i still think this is wrong to recognise this in children as a fact though.

if martha wants to be arthur or bob wants to be barbara i have absolutely no issue with that AS ADULTS

but i think it's nothing less than child abuse to be honest that this is being taken seriously when any child suggests it.  it's like the latest fad

when i was 9-10 i wanted to be a boy called george.  why?  cos i had two older brothers and i read too many famous five books, that's why

even as teenagers, in fact, especially as teenagers they cannot be sure but to give kids hormone blockers et al is absolutely disgusting in my book

if they still feel the same as fully grown adults then good luck to them say, let them be who they want

tell you what though, when i was a kid at school if one of us corrected the teacher in anyway whatsoever we'd get the blackboard rubber chucked at us likely as not


I sympathise with anyone who had any 'sexual confusion' - cos I am a very sympathetic, soft-hearted type, by nature.

But personally, at no stage in my entire life have I ever wished I was a man. Eww.  No
Even tho men have a far easier life at all levels - biologically, socially, economically.
I still wouldn't want to be a man for all the tea in china.
Ta for listening.  Laughing

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Post by JulesV Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:46 pm

smelly-bandit wrote:
Jules wrote:
But his sacking was touted as a distinct possibility in your title and also in the very first line of your OP.
I don't see a happy ending here. I predict he'll walk away eventually.

And why not??

Would you want to continue to work in such a mad house??

I wouldn't

I'd grab that job in a heartbeat!!! 
I've always wanted to teach maths to teenagers or any age group. Dream job. 

Ooops digressing from the topic!

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:42 pm

Jules wrote:
smelly-bandit wrote:

And why not??

Would you want to continue to work in such a mad house??

I wouldn't

I'd grab that job in a heartbeat!!! 
I've always wanted to teach maths to teenagers or any age group. Dream job. 

Ooops digressing from the topic!

You want to teach maths??

But your believe in mental delusions


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Post by JulesV Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:03 pm

smelly-bandit wrote:
Jules wrote:

I'd grab that job in a heartbeat!!! 
I've always wanted to teach maths to teenagers or any age group. Dream job. 

Ooops digressing from the topic!

You want to teach maths??
But your believe in mental delusions

Well at least I know Trump is pants, no delusions there. 
The owner of this forum, where you're currently squatting, agrees with me about Trump.

What is a 'transcendental number' ? Give me a good definition!
Er .. don't bother to answer!  
Bye. Smile

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Post by Guest Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:32 pm

Jules wrote:
smelly-bandit wrote:

You want to teach maths??
But your believe in mental delusions

Well at least I know Trump is pants, no delusions there. 
The owner of this forum, where you're currently squatting, agrees with me about Trump.

What is a 'transcendental number' ? Give me a good definition!
Er .. don't bother to answer!  
Bye. Smile

Why is trump pants??

Because he has different values to you??

Thought you liberals were supposed to celebrate diversity not crucify it??


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Post by JulesV Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:21 am

veya_victaous wrote:
Jules wrote:Veya, Christians are NOT religotards. snobby

yes they are  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment  snobby

Oh be like that then! 

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3201073460

But seriously, no matter how much science teaches us, fundamental questions remain. I find that religion fills that gap. There's a higher force that transcends science, I feel.

Goodnight Veya. xxx  cheers I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 2984306523

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Post by Ben Reilly Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:51 am

The good ol' "God of the gaps." Such an inspiration!
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Post by veya_victaous Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:01 am

SEXY MAMA wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
Jules wrote:Veya, Christians are NOT religotards. snobby

yes they are  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment  snobby

Thats YOUR opinion though.

You know where you can stuff it I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 2347854014

it's not just my opinion
it is Science and fact you can confirm it by mapping the movement of stars in the sky.

the universe is not Geocentric as the Abrahamic tale of creation states it is.
animals species alive today did not just *pooft* into existence a few thousand years ago.

[Quran 41.9-12] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days? And you claim others to be equal to Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds." He set on it (Earth) mountains, and bestowed it with blessings. And [Allah] estimated all its sustenance in four days, equally for those who ask (prayers) AFTER THIS (Thumma in Arabic) [Allah] commanded the heaven and it was still smoke. He said to it and to Earth: "Come together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come together, in willing obedience". So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable.

I have seen with my own eyes cave art older than the universe according to Abrahamic teachings Wink

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Post by veya_victaous Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:07 am

Jules wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
Jules wrote:Veya, Christians are NOT religotards. snobby

yes they are  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment  snobby

Oh be like that then! 

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3201073460

But seriously, no matter how much science teaches us, fundamental questions remain. I find that religion fills that gap. There's a higher force that transcends science, I feel.

Goodnight Veya. xxx  cheers I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 2984306523

I never said there is no divine forces
just the deity (and the entire universe) defined in Abrahamic religions is untrue, it is simply a fairytale
but that doesn't mean there is no gods at all, just not that one. Wink

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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:29 am

Jules wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:

yes they are  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment  snobby

There's a higher force that transcends science, I feel.

totally agree


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by HoratioTarr Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:13 pm

Jules wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

He wasn't sacked.
But his sacking was touted as a distinct possibility in your title and also in the very first line of your OP.
I don't see a happy ending here. I predict he'll walk away eventually.

Perhaps he will, perhaps he won't.
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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by HoratioTarr Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:16 pm

Jules wrote:
gelico wrote:

LOL, i'm often doing my nut over something or other

i still think this is wrong to recognise this in children as a fact though.

if martha wants to be arthur or bob wants to be barbara i have absolutely no issue with that AS ADULTS

but i think it's nothing less than child abuse to be honest that this is being taken seriously when any child suggests it.  it's like the latest fad

when i was 9-10 i wanted to be a boy called george.  why?  cos i had two older brothers and i read too many famous five books, that's why

even as teenagers, in fact, especially as teenagers they cannot be sure but to give kids hormone blockers et al is absolutely disgusting in my book

if they still feel the same as fully grown adults then good luck to them say, let them be who they want

tell you what though, when i was a kid at school if one of us corrected the teacher in anyway whatsoever we'd get the blackboard rubber chucked at us likely as not


I sympathise with anyone who had any 'sexual confusion' - cos I am a very sympathetic, soft-hearted type, by nature.

But personally, at no stage in my entire life have I ever wished I was a man. Eww.  No
Even tho men have a far easier life at all levels - biologically, socially, economically.
I still wouldn't want to be a man for all the tea in china.
Ta for listening.  Laughing

Oh, I dunno.   Scratching your balls in public, farting with impunity.....what's not to like? I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3852033631 lol!
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Post by HoratioTarr Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:17 pm

gelico wrote:
Jules wrote:

There's a higher force that transcends science, I feel.

totally agree

I believe there are dimensions within dimensions within dimensions.
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Post by JulesV Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:07 pm

HoratioTarr wrote:
Jules wrote:
I sympathise with anyone who had any 'sexual confusion' - cos I am a very sympathetic, soft-hearted type, by nature.

But personally, at no stage in my entire life have I ever wished I was a man. Eww.  No
Even tho men have a far easier life at all levels - biologically, socially, economically.
I still wouldn't want to be a man for all the tea in china.
Ta for listening.  Laughing

Oh, I dunno.   Scratching your balls in public, farting with impunity.....what's not to like? I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3852033631 lol!

Haha they've got quite a few *interesting* antisocial habits.  Laughing

To balance out all the criticism I'll just add that there are plenty of smooth, cultured men out there, men who are a total joy to be with. cheers

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Post by Guest Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:54 pm

Jules wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

Oh, I dunno.   Scratching your balls in public, farting with impunity.....what's not to like? I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3852033631 lol!

Haha they've got quite a few *interesting* antisocial habits.  Laughing

To balance out all the criticism I'll just add that there are plenty of smooth, cultured men out there, men who are a total joy to be with. cheers

Bet they cant light a fire though

Or kill a man who's trying to kill you


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I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Empty Re: I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender

Post by Ben Reilly Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:45 am

Nobody who makes an innocent mistake should be fired.

That said, why the fuck should anybody give a shit whether a boy feels like a girl or a girl feels like a boy? Is it your business? Is it your life. Fucking no. It's fucking not.

You call it perverted. You know what I think is perverted? This level of control you seem to desire to have over how other people live their lives and feel about who they are. You're NOT THEM. You DON'T GET A SAY. So just fucking shut up about it!
Ben Reilly
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Post by 'Wolfie Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:54 am

smelly-bandit wrote:
I'm officially identifying as a black single mother with 8 kids.

Give me welfare now.


Why's that, Smelly' ???

You planning on 'double dipping' now..

One lot of welfare payments not enough for you anymore ?
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Post by 'Wolfie Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:59 am

Jules wrote:
veya_victaous wrote:
yes they are  tongue  tongue  tongue  tongue
they believe is something provable to be untrue
same with all Abrahamic religions.

Religion should be like and one with science, the quest for knowledge and enlightenment  snobby

There's a higher force that transcends science, I feel.



And that 'higher force' is called   Beer..
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Post by Eilzel Fri Nov 17, 2017 4:03 am

smelly-bandit wrote:
Jules wrote:
HoratioTarr wrote:

Oh, I dunno.   Scratching your balls in public, farting with impunity.....what's not to like? I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3852033631 lol!

Haha they've got quite a few *interesting* antisocial habits.  Laughing

To balance out all the criticism I'll just add that there are plenty of smooth, cultured men out there, men who are a total joy to be with. cheers

Bet they cant light a fire though

Or kill a man who's  trying to kill you

Smelly's idea of the perfect man:

I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 Images10
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Post by 'Wolfie Fri Nov 17, 2017 4:10 am


Smelly's favourite recipe to light a fire :

1. Find that drum of Napalm..

2. Select your patch of forest.
I called a trans boy a girl by mistake... and it may cost me my job as a teacher: Maths tutor suspended after praising pupil using the wrong gender - Page 2 3018442852
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Post by eddie Fri Nov 17, 2017 7:51 am

Ben Reilly wrote:Nobody who makes an innocent mistake should be fired.

That said, why the fuck should anybody give a shit whether a boy feels like a girl or a girl feels like a boy? Is it your business? Is it your life. Fucking no. It's fucking not.

You call it perverted. You know what I think is perverted? This level of control you seem to desire to have over how other people live their lives and feel about who they are. You're NOT THEM. You DON'T GET A SAY. So just fucking shut up about it!

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Post by Raggamuffin Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:16 am

Ben Reilly wrote:Nobody who makes an innocent mistake should be fired.

That said, why the fuck should anybody give a shit whether a boy feels like a girl or a girl feels like a boy? Is it your business? Is it your life. Fucking no. It's fucking not.

You call it perverted. You know what I think is perverted? This level of control you seem to desire to have over how other people live their lives and feel about who they are. You're NOT THEM. You DON'T GET A SAY. So just fucking shut up about it!

Then again, if someone wants to call a girl a girl, why is it anyone else's business? If a girl can't bear being called a girl, maybe she should toughen up a bit.
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