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Freedom of Speech or Only For Some - NOT FOR YOU QB DUDE Colin Kaepernick

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Freedom of Speech or Only For Some - NOT FOR YOU QB DUDE Colin Kaepernick  Empty Freedom of Speech or Only For Some - NOT FOR YOU QB DUDE Colin Kaepernick

Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:41 pm

Anonymous NFL GMs call Colin Kaepernick a ‘traitor’
BY Stefan Bondy
If Colin Kaepernick is indeed cut by the Niners as expected, it looks like he’ll have a hard time finding another job in the NFL. The QB is unanimously hated for his protest of the national anthem, according to seven anonymous league executives who spoke to Bleacher Report, including one who labeled Kaepernick “a traitor.” The seven executives declared they would never sign Kaepernick, and estimated that “90 to 95 percent of the NFL front offices felt the same way.”  “He has no respect for our country,” one told Bleacher Report. “F— that guy.  Another executive declared Kaepernick is the most hated player since Rae Carruth. Of course, Carruth was convicted of plotting to murder his pregnant girlfriend in 1999.
Kaepernick is sitting out the pre-game national anthem to protest, among other things, the killing of African Americans at the hands of police. Kaepernick also seems to have lost all faith in the political system, calling Donald Trump a racist and Hillary Clinton a criminal.

The decision to act on these beliefs and sit out the anthem could lead to Kaepernick being blackballed. "In my career, I have never seen a guy so hated by front office guys as Kaepernick," one general manager told Bleacher Report, which cited another executive who claimed he'd resign before hiring Kaepernick. Kaepernick may have been released by the Niners regardless of this controversy, having been supplanted as the starter before requesting a trade.   Kaepernick, who will make $11.9 million guaranteed this season, led the Niners to the Super Bowl in 2013 and looked like the next superstar. But then he went 2-6 as a starter last season, with his passer rating falling to a career-low 78.5.

Blackballing Kaepernick seems silly for a league that brought back Pacman Jones multiple times, disregarded domestic abuse charges against several of its players, handed Ray Lewis a Super Bowl MVP trophy while he was being investigated in a murder, gave Donte Stallworth three contracts after he was convicted of DUI manslaughter and embraced Michael Vick’s return from prison. 
The hypocrisy of this isn't lost on this reading member ...FFS, if there was a daily televised showing of anyone of our specific states daily 'Pledge of Allegiance' that is how our State Congressional House & Senate begin their day; well ...there'd be many a reason for everyone to become a 'hair on fire' ranting human about this 'Traitor Issue'!  IMO

Freedom of Speech or Only For Some - NOT FOR YOU QB DUDE Colin Kaepernick  14079944_10157389103370646_4088637072681116043_n

The photograph is legitimate. It was taken on 23 June 2009 by Associated Press photographer Tim Roske, and shows New York senators sitting in protest during a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance:


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Freedom of Speech or Only For Some - NOT FOR YOU QB DUDE Colin Kaepernick  Empty Re: Freedom of Speech or Only For Some - NOT FOR YOU QB DUDE Colin Kaepernick

Post by Original Quill Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:52 pm

Kaepernick decides to stand up against racism in the United States of America. Kaepernick gets shot down for standing up against racism in the United States of America.

Is the United States of America still a racist nation? If not, what are they so afraid of?

It's not the actions of Kaepernick that are telling. It's the action of the rest of the nation in response. Nuff said.

Original Quill
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